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I reached my spot to read - a tall and wide tree with branches reaching out in all directions, the perfect height to be able to look down on the rest of the forest from it's surprisingly comfortable limbs.

I opened up the book on X-Wings on the page about checking them over and tried to read but my mind kept on flicking back to him. Poe.

Why was I so nervous? How did that random (extremely attractive) guy have this effect on me? No. I couldn't even think about that, I wasn't not going to give my hopes up on something that would never happen, not that I was thinking about it...

I studied the parts I thought would be useful. Whoever this commander was I did not want to let them down. After all, this was a huge responsibility. I checked the time:


Just enough time to pack up, climb down and walk back up to the hangar I thought.

Poe's POV:

I headed back up towards to hanger with BB-8 rolling ahead.

I couldn't get that girl out of my head. She was so beautiful, how had I never seen her before? I really embarrassed myself, I just couldn't keep my eyes off her.

BB-8 and I arrived at the hangar. According to General Leia I had a new apprentice helping me check the X-Wings with me that day. She seemed very keen for me to get to know them when she told me.

I headed over to my X-Wing and leant on the side, waiting for them to arrive. BB-8 rolled over and stopped by my boot and I smiled down at him.

y/n POV:

"Hi, is anybody there?" I asked as I walked into the hangar. 

I saw someone jump slightly before looking up and walking towards me. 

"Hey, how can I help? Oh it's you! What can I do for you y/n?"

"I'm here to help check the X-Wings with The Commander, General Leia sent me?"

"Oh yeah of course, guess you're stuck with me all morning!" Poe said with an awkward laugh. "Follow me this way"

I did as he said, and felt my cheeks go bright red. 

 Of course Poe was the commander, I thought he looked familiar. I guess my mum was right, I did need to get out more...

He was standing next to the coolest X-Wing I'd ever seen, it was black and orange with barely a scratch on it. I realised I was gaping at it and snapped my mouth shut, causing him to chuckle slightly. 

"Ok so today we're gonna check over all the engines to make sure none of them are busted for our next mission, and if you see anything else just let me know. I'll cover this half of them so can you do those?" he pointed at the other side of the hangar where 5 more X-Wings were sat. 

"Wait... you're just gonna let me do them all on my own? How do you know I won't completely mess them up?" I said, a bit taken aback.

"Yeah of course! If The General thinks you're good enough to suggest you to help me then I trust you'll do it well" he said with another one of his smiles and a wink. 

"Okay, thanks!" I said, already feeling overwhelmed with nerves and excitement. I headed over and got to work until I realised that I had no overalls to wear. 

"Hey, Poe?" I called "Do you have something I can wear so that I don't ruin my clothes? I kinda like this shirt" 

"Yeah sure, one sec!" He turned to face his droid "Buddy, you remember where I put my spare overalls after I washed them?" 

BB-8 beeped and rolled off to go and show him where he put them, Poe jogging behind him to keep up. He came back around the corner carrying them. 

"Here ya go, catch!" 

I grabbed them and started pulling them on over my outfit. Once they were on I looked down and realised just how big they were on me and how ridiculous I looked. Poe seemed to notice as well and he looked a little embarrassed. 

"Sorry, they're my spares. I only found out you were gonna help this morning or I would've asked Ayla if I could borrow hers for you" 

"No problem, I'm sure I'll manage" 

Who was Ayla? Was she his girlfriend? 

Why would that matter anyways? It wasn't like I was ever going to see him again after this morning, or that I would care if she was...

After a while Poe began to make small talk by asking how I ended up here on D'Qar. Without giving away who my parents are I said:

"Well my mum has been with The Resistance pretty much her whole life. I moved out a few years after my brother did, when I was 18. But when my mum and dad split up I ended up coming here to help out if she needed, I've been here about 5 years now and I love it. How about you?"

"I grew up on Yavin-4 with my parents but my mother died when I was 8 so it's been me and my dad for a while. I became a pilot, following in my mums footsteps and since Leia and my mum knew each other, I got offered a job here."

"Poe... I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how heart-breaking it is to loose someone you love that much, especially as a kid" 

"It's ok, no use getting upset over something that happened so long ago" he said and turned back to work on one of the starfighters. 

"So, you've been here all the time I have and I've still never seen you before today." he thought  out loud. 

"Like I said, I don't really get out much" I said, laughing a bit at how weird I must've sounded. 

"Yeah, but I've never even seen you walking around the base before!" he turned to look at me once again. 

"I'm nearly always inside reading, I like it much better than the outdoors" I said as, I too, spun around and look at him, grinning.  


After a few hours of chatting and working we finished up and I headed outside the hangar with him. 

"Thank you, again, for letting me help out. I really appreciate it, and it was actually so much fun!"

"If anything I should be thanking you, you just saved me a few hours work to do. I better get going, BB-8's getting impatient" we both looked down at the droid who kept nudging Poe's leg. "I'll see you around y/n"

"Maybe... see ya Flyboy!" and with that I turned and walked away toward the forest to get back home as he went away in the other direction. 

I walked with a spring in my step and with a huge grin on my face because that was by far one of the best morning I'd had in years. 




First of all I'd just like to say sorry for not updating this in so long, I've been so busy however I just got a laptop so fingers crossed I'll be able to write more frequently now! But what better day to make a comeback than on May 4th, Happy Star Wars Day! 

Also, thank you so much for 90 views! I know that's not a lot but I never thought anyone would see/ read this

stay safe! 



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