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It had been about a week, maybe two since Poe and I had met. Most days we would see each other, either I would watch him work in the hanger and help him with the X-Wings if I was lucky, or we'd go to the rooftop we went to the first night we met. We would talk about anything and everything, and although we hadn't known each other for too long we had become really close friends. 

Ayla and I also spent some time together, mainly hanging out in her room. It was nice to be able to chat with someone who understood me, and would happily listen to me talk about my day with Poe. I'm sure she still suspected that there was something between Poe and I, but I knew that it wasn't true so didn't bother bringing it up. 


I was sat with my mom at home in the kitchen, both sipping warm mugs of caf. It was one of the few times we spent with each other recently. 

"I think I wanna move out" I thought out loud. 

My mom looked up at me, but I couldn't tell if what I'd just said was good or bad. 

"It's not that I don't love living with you, but I have to move out sometime. And since I've met Ayla and Poe my nightmares have been getting much better. Besides, if I don't move it's only a matter of time before they find out where I live and who with." 

"Of course sweetheart, that makes sense. When would you want to go?" 

"I'm not sure, as soon as possible I guess?"

"I can get you a room for this afternoon, if that's ok?" 

"That's so great, thank you!"

I jumped up and ran over to my mom, giving her a massive hug. 

I didn't want to leave her, but we'd see each other loads and I'm an adult. It was inevitable that I would eventually grow up and leave. 

"You're not upset mom, are you?" 

"As long as you're ready to go, then I'm happy. It's not like your going to be very far, we'll see each other every day still!" 

"That's true, I love you mom, so much." 

"I love you too sweetie." She replied softly as she stood up. "Now, I'm gonna go and get your room sorted, you'd better go and pack." 

"Good thinking, see you later mom. And thank you, again." 

I ran upstairs and found some boxes buried deep inside my wardrobe. I started folding my clothes and placing them into the boxes. I then went around collecting all the books I have and putting them in another, noticing how heavy it was when I picked it up. After a while the contents of my bedroom were by the front door. 


I carried one of the many boxes of items down an oddly familiar corridor on the way to my new room. Finally I stopped by a door with the number "502" written on it. My mom said that it should open with my biometrics, so I balanced the box on my knee and held my hand against the scanner. The door unlocked and I walked in, glancing at my new surroundings. 

A single bed was pushed up against the far wall underneath a large window. Next to it was a desk and to my left was a door leading to a small bathroom. A closet stood by the front door and to my right, another door which was oddly locked. 

Once all my boxes were piled high around the room, I began unpacking them. I had barely started when I heard a knock on the door. With a sigh I went over and opened it to see none other than Poe. 

"Hey neighbour!" 

"Hey Poe, wait.. neighbour?"

"Yeah, I live next door, don't you remember?" 

I thought that corridor looked familiar! 

"Yeah, of course I do" 

"Do you need any help? I'm off work for the day"

"Actually, that would be great thanks!" 

He walked into the room and started helping me unpack, whilst I organized and put everything neatly away. 

"hey, Poe?" 


"Where does that door lead?" I asked as I pointed to the locked door. 

"Oh it leads to my room. For some reason whoever built this thought it would be a good idea" 

"Oh ok, that's kinda cool though!" 

"Yeah it is!" 


After about an hour of unpacking and chatting Poe and I stopped to take a break. 

"Here, let me just move this box and then we can go get something to eat" Poe said, gesturing to the big box of books I had carried earlier. However, when he pointed to it, he accidentally knocked it off the desk. 

Without hesitation I reached out to grab it before falling, not wanting all the books to fall and possibly break. But that didn't happen... 

Instead, when I went to grab them, they levitated in mid-air, my hand outstretched. As quickly as they stopped, they started falling again, hitting the ground with a large crash, and leaving Poe and I in shock. 

"Am I going crazy, or did those just float?" Poe asked frantically. 

"Y-yeah, they did" I replied, as equally panicked. 

"You didn't tell me you were force sensitive!" 

"I-I didn't know I was.." 



Hi lovelies! 

This chapter is kinda short but I felt like this was a good place to leave it, what do you think will happen in the next chapter now that we know more about y/n? I hope you're all enjoying this story as much as I am writing it, sorry for such a delayed upload!

Thank you so much for all the reads and votes, ily! 

- M 

star ▪︎ poe dameronOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora