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Poe and I jogged into breakfast, being the last to get there. We grabbed some food and snuck into some seats on our table. 

"Where have you two been?" Ayla questioned, raising her eyebrows. 

"I overslept." I lied. 

Poe looked at me before saying "I was working on Black One." 

"Right... ok." She said in a tone that suggested she knew we weren't exactly telling the truth. However, she didn't say anything else, and turned to have a conversation with Snap, who was sat next to her. 

Poe winked at me, causing me to blush once again. I noticed that there was one seat left and looked around to realise Hayden wasn't there. I sighed in relief, I did not want to have to deal with him, especially not in front of all my friends. 

We all ate quickly before going our separate ways. Since I was now in The Black Squadron I didn't work everywhere anymore, although I still wanted to help out whenever I could. I was walking towards the hangar where my X-Wing was when Connix came up to me. She was a girl about my age I'd seen around base who seemed nice, although I didn't know much about her.

"The General, sorry, your Mother wanted to see you in your office." She told me. 

"Oh, that's strange, did she say why?" 

"No she didn't, I'm sorry I've got to run I have so much I need to do, see you later!" 

I turned and walked up the path towards Headquarters where my Mom was presumably waiting for me. 

When I arrived I knocked on the door to her office, letting myself in once I heard her say I could enter. 

"Hey, you wanted to see me? Oh uh, you're here.." 

"I was just leaving." Hayden replied bluntly, shoving past me and out the door. His nose had been bandaged up and a large bruise had formed on his cheek where I had hit him.

"I wanted to see if you were ok, I heard what happened." 

"I'm fine. What's going to happen to him?" I gestured towards the door Hayden had just slammed on his way out. 

"If it were any other time, he would be out of The Resistance like this." She indicated with a snap of her fingers. "But, as annoying as it is, he's one of our better pilots and we need everybody we can get if we're going to defeat The First Order. But he knows that what he's done will have consequences." 

"And what are they?" 

"For starters, he's been told to not interact with you in any way, unless it's absolutely necessary." 

"Yeah, like he'll listen to that." I scoffed. 

"He's also been moved to Red Squadron, so hopefully you two will be seeing a lot less of each other." 

"Thank you." 

"You're welcome, that was all I had to say." 

The atmosphere was tense, things were still awkward after our fight. I had no idea how to fix it and I was scared things would never be the same. 

"Right, well I'd better get going, thanks again." 

I sighed as I closed the door behind me before proceeding to go back towards the hanger. 

I was the only one there when I arrived, so I started checking and cleaning my Starfighter straight away. Engrossed in my work, I didn't hear someone walk up to me. 

I jumped when I heard them clear their throat, turning around to see Poe standing there standing, almost nervous. 

"Hey Poe, what's up?" 

"Uh, not much. I don't really have much work to do today." 

"I don't either really, I'm just making myself busy." I put my rag down that I was using and put my hands in the pockets of the orange jumpsuit that was my new uniform. 

"Do you want to hang out for a bit?" 

"I'd love to." I smiled, trying my hardest to ignore the awkwardness that had built between us since that morning. 

We walked out of the large hangar and started to wander around the base in silence, our hands brushing against each other every once in a while causing the butterflies to swarm in my stomach. 

After a while I couldn't bare the quiet, and somehow plucked enough courage to start a conversation. 

"So... uh, this morning happened." I laughed awkwardly. 

"Yeah, yeah it did." He replied, also giving a small nervous laugh. 

"Should we talk about it?" I asked as he looked at me, not saying a word. "We don't have to, I'm sorry, I have no idea what to say-" 

He cut me off by pulling me behind the building we were next to and smashing his lips onto mine. For a split second I was startled, but then I melted into the kiss before he eventually pulled away, both of us smiling and slightly out of breath. 

"Or we could do that." I giggled, looking up into his eyes as I stepped back slightly so I could stand normally and not on tiptoes. 

"You're right though, we should talk about this... us." 

"Well, I think it's pretty clear how we feel about each other." I blushed as I watched him smile. 

"Yeah it is." 

"So what do we do?" 

"Honestly? I have no idea. All I know is that I really like you." 

"I really like you too. Gods I'm awful at this sort of thing I'm sorry." 

"Don't apologise! To be honest I'm not great at this sort of thing either." 

"I find that hard to believe, you're the Poe Dameron, you have every girl on base drooling over you!" I joked. 

"Yeah, but do you see me dating any of them?" He laughed. 

"I guess you're right." I looked down at my feet before I properly realised what he had said. "Wait... date?! Did- Do you want to..?" 

"Maybe one day." He playfully nudged me, his confidence coming back. "But for now do you wanna just take things slow? We can see how we go from there." 

"I'd love that." I beamed. 

"So would I." He replied, smiling too. 

"If people weren't talking about me enough they really will now that I'm going around kissing you." I laughed.

"Well then, how about we just don't tell anybody?" He suggested as he snaked is arm around my waist and pulled me closer. 

"You'd do that?" 

"Of course. Besides, it could be kinda fun." 

I smiled up at him before leaning in and gently kissing him. 

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