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My heart was racing from my busy and stressful shift, I needed to get out of there and get some fresh air.

I changed back into my normal clothes and headed out, the late afternoon sun hitting my face. My stomach growled but I didn't go to the cafeteria, not wanting to have to go through another round of relentless glaring and sarcastic comments just yet. Instead I walked towards the forest in an attempt to clear my mind.

The cluttered thoughts in my mind distracted me from where I was going, my feet leading me far into the trees, until I wasn't sure how far I'd gone.

I sat down in a clearing, dumping my heavy satchel next to me and crossing my legs. I attempted to breath in and out and relax, but nothing I did was working, my mind constantly replaying the last day and reminding me of how messed up my life was.

Everyone knows I'm the daughter of the General of the Resistance and a famous scavenger.

My brother is the leader of The First Order.

I haven't seen my dad in years and he probably doesn't even want to see me.

My uncle has gone into hiding and nobody knows how to find him.

I'm force sensitive and my parents never told me.

Wait. I was force sensitive. In my hectic day I had almost forgotten that.

I curiously shut my eyes and tried to focus in on something, anything that felt like it could be the force.


I sighed and tried again, but this time I felt a buzz, a connection of sorts. My whole body tingled and I felt a surge of energy rush through my worn out self.

I opened my eyes froze, forgetting how to breath.

My brother was in front of me.


I wanted to reply but my fear took away my voice, forcing me to stay paralysed in my place.

His dark helmet shielded his familiar face, allowing him to see me, but I couldn't see him.

"How are you here?" his slightly muffled and robotic monotone voice asked me curiously.

I continued to panic and stare at him. My body willed me to run away, scream for help, but I couldn't move.

"Answer me!" He yelled, causing me to jump back.

"B-ben.." I managed to stammer. "How did you find me?"

"I didn't. I thought you were dead. You reached out to me somehow."

"I-i did?"

I felt tears start to form in my eyes.

"I miss you Ben, so much.."

I heard him sigh, and then the click of his helmet as he took it off, revealing the face of my brother I had missed all these years.

His dark hair fell to his shoulders and he looked just as I remembered him, except now his face had slightly aged with fear and regret.

"Why is the force connecting us?" he asked surprisingly gently.

"I don't know, I didn't even know I was force sensitive until yesterday."

"You should train with me, have someone guide you in the correct ways of the force."

"I will never fall as far as to go to the dark side."

And with that comment he snapped, pulling his mask abruptly back over his face, covering up any innocence and kindness he had left.

I heard the cracking and buzzing of his lightsaber activating and the harsh red glow lit up my petrified face.

"You're just like everyone else!" he screamed. "I knew you were always weak and feeble."

He approached me menacingly as I hurriedly tried to edge away, only to find my back hitting the rough surface of a tree behind me. He raised his lightsaber as I screamed and begged him to stop.

Although its was only a force connection I felt the heat radiate off of his weapon, not sure if it was real or my brain tricking me.

"I will find you.." he almost whispered, as he swung his weapon at me destructively.

I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for the inevitable pain, only to find he had gone. The force connection had cut off, leaving me alone and traumatized in the middle of nowhere.

Tears fell down my face as I sobbed uncontrollably, my lungs aching from the shaky breaths I was heaving in and out, desperate for oxygen.

I felt a sudden wave of tiredness fog my brain, and my vision blurred. Somewhere in the distance I heard the faint voice of someone calling my name until I blacked out and fell to the cold forest floor.



ok this is kinda short but a bit more interesting I hope!

also this story is now on 800 reads wtf?? thank you!

M x

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