Part 23

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"Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep." Someone shut off that damn alarm. It is driving me insane, but I can't get awake to shut it off. I groan, and someone grabs my hand. This doesn't feel like my bed, please don't let me be kidnapped again. I blink my eyes open to see a little boy standing beside me. He has dark hair, and green eyes. He remind me of Beauty, I wonder who he is. "She is awake! Dad!" He calls out, excitedly. "Awake! Awake!" A beautiful blonde girl is jumping up and down. "Momma!" Reno walks in, and rushes over to me. He helps me sip some water. "What happened?" I whisper, and Reno frowns. "Don't you remember?" I shake my head. The little boy is sitting on my bed, and staring at me. "You were stabbed, and died three times. i helped Doc patch you up." The little boy says calmly. I look at him, and cock my head. "You don't know who I am do you?" He says quietly. I hang my head and shake it. "I feel like I know you, but I can't place it." I say. He gets off the bed, and walks out the door. Scar bursts in with a baby in his arms, and kisses me. I am startled, and Reno makes him back up. "She doesn't remember Cole. I don't think she remembers everything." Reno says, and I frown. "What do I not remember?" I cross my arms, and cock an eyebrow. "That we all got married, and you gave us four beautiful children." Beauty grunts. The little girl start jumping up and down again. "Mommy! Hold me! I missed you Mommy!" She tries to jump onto me, but Jones snags her up, and she starts giggling. My heart swells with pride and love. 

"Mom?" A Little boy with silver eyes walks in. I pat the bed next to me, and he climbs in and sits down. "I am Devon. The second born. I am 7 years old, and I am a Daddy's boy." He says like he has rehearsed it. I smile at him, and gather him in my arms, and hug him tight. He hugs me back just as tight. "I am sorry." I apologize to him. He pulls back, and cocks his head to the side. "You are only a Daddy's boy, because Cole occupied my time, and then your sisters came." He drops his head, and nods. His head then shoots up, and his eyes grow wide. "You remember?!" He cries, and tears start running down my face. "My sweet, sweet boy. I don't know how I forgot any of you. I love you, so much." I squeeze him tight. He pulls back, "Let me go tell the others." I shake my head, and he looks confused. "Mom and Devon time. Just cuddle with me. I need some snuggles." I whisper like its a secret, and he nods quickly, and snuggles into my side, careful not to hurt me. 

"Look, she is holding him. Even if she doesn't remember, her body does." Jones hissed. "Yes, because its muscle memory. It doesn't mean anything." Beauty growls. "Would you shut up! I am trying to sleep cuddled up to my son, I somehow ignored for seven years!" I growl out. I peak an eye open to see a very shocked Jones, Beauty, and Cole. "Cole, baby I am sorry I forgot you. It just took being reminded, by all of you. I reach out to him, and he plows into me. I let out an umpf. "Careful!" Beauty growls, and I give him a challenging look. He crosses his arms, and grumbles. "I am sorry to hog mom, Devon." Cole apologizes. "Its okay, dad taught me a lot of cool things, Mom will freak when she finds out." Devon says with a smirk. "I'll beat your dad later for that. Where is he?" I look at everyone, and they all find the ceiling or the floor more interesting. "Where is he?!" I snap, and Beauty makes eye contact with me. "Beauty, fucking tell me, before I get out of this bed, and make you." Cole, and Devon move out of the way, while I sit up. "I can't really tell you, because then you will kill someone." He says, trying to be calm. I squint my eyes, and stand up. Jones rushes at me, but I slap him away. I rip off the heart monitor, and slam open the door. Scar is sitting in an uncomfortable chair, holding Delilah. "I'll be back to feed her." I hiss, he nods and the his eyes go wide, he opens and closes his mouth like a fish. 

I find Reno in the old president suit at the club house. He has a club girl, the brand new one, who doesn't know a thing about, on her knees sucking him. The other girls wouldn't touch him, if their lives depended on it, because they know I would end them for it. I come up behind him, and strip my shirt. I press my hands into his back, and then my breasts. He moans, and I grab his cock from her throat. I nod at her to leave, and start stroking him. She scurries off, and he thrusts into my hand. "Fuck you feel just like her!" He groans, thrusting harder. He cums onto the floor, and then collapses to his knees sobbing. "Get out." He growls, but I just stand here. I am not a club girl. "I said get the fuck out!" He yells standing, and turns to look at me. He stops, and he goes pale, and eyes wide. He has tears falling down his face. "I lose my memory for like 24 hours, and you go find the new girl, who is too new to be terrified of me?!" I shove him, and he falls to the floor. He opens his mouth to speak, but I don't let him. I punch him in the face. He lets me pummel him. I grab the shirt, and throw it back on, with him laying in the floor a sobbing blood mess. "I forgave Beauty for beating me, but you fucking cheated on me with a club whore. Who I intend to find and make sure she knows the price, you just cost her." He reaches out to me, but I walk away.

"Candy! Where is the new girl!?" I bellow out. "Little Momma! She is in with Skull." Candy gulps, and backs away. The club can tell I am angry. I go to Skull's room. He was patched in last year. I kick open his door. "Find a different girl. This one has to pay for something." I cross my arms. "Yes, Momma. Who do I need to go help?" He motions to my bloody knuckles. "Your president." I hiss. His eyes go wide, and he drops his head and nods. "I am sorry. I thought you died when he came to find one of. The other girls wouldn't risk it. He said you might as well be dead." She is trying to throw him under the bus. "Sweetheart, he already paid his price. I left him a sobbing blood mess in his floor, after I jacked him off." Her jaw drops open, and I shut the door. "Listen, you are going to leave and never come back. You wanted to please the president, and if he kept you, then you get an Ole Lady patch. I ain't stupid. I run this place, and women like you are a dime a dozen. You stay, and no one will touch you." I bark. She starts laughing. "You are jealous, your husband came to me for comfort." I smile, she is that new. "You don't know, do you?" I question. "Know what?" She scoffs. "Who I am. Who I am to this club, who I am to these men, who belongs to me?" She rolls her eyes. "I have seen Son's of Anarchy. You are the big bad President's Ole Lady." She does air quotes. "And the Vice president, and the Sergeant at arms, and the Enforcer." She stops her little laugh. "I am the mother of their children. Even if one came to you, in a moment of weakness I am still who made him cum, and he was thinking about me while he was fucking your throat." She rolled her eyes. I am younger, tighter, and better looking than you. Don't be jealous." I get tired of this back and forth. I rip open the door, and see Beauty, Jones, Buddy, and Hog. "Good Witnesses." I chirp, and grab Beauty's gun. He grabs my hand before I can kill her. "Reno begged us to not let you kill her. He knows he fucked up, and asked you take it out on him instead." Beauty was begging me with his eyes. "Awe, he is protecting me from you." The little bitch tries to goad me. "Shut your mouth!"  Jones demands. "How bout you use your dick, to shut my mouth? Since you all share her, why not trade in for the younger model?" A gun goes off, beside my head and the bitch falls dead. Buddy is holding his gun out. "I won'y let anyone talk to Momma that way. Bitch had her chance to leave, then had her chance to shut up." Buddy shrugs, and walks away.

"He chose to protect her, over me." He broke his vows more than one way. He broke his vows to all of us." I choke out to Scar. He holds me, and strokes my hair. "Please, please tell me, that this is the first time?" He pulls me away from him, and looks me square in the eye. "This is the only time something like this has happened. We all did stupid things when you didn't remember our children or that we were married." Scar says sternly, I furrow my brow. "Jones got drunk, Beauty snorted coke for the first time in ten years, and." He stopped, and pulled up his sleeve. He had started cutting again. I kissed his arm, and then looked at him. "We all broke our vows.Reno just happens to be a sex addict. You have your own addiction too." He said and I cocked my head. "You are addicted to being in control." I dropped my head, and nodded. 

"Blake?" I called out to him. "Here, Nicole." He was sitting in the dark, in the corner of our bedroom in our house. I came and sat in front of him. He had two black eyes, and a busted lip, and broken nose. "I am sorry." I apologized. He scoffs. "You shouldn't be apologizing." I growled, but composed myself. "I am apologizing for not listening when you needed me to. Instead I beat the shit out of you." He cut me off, "I let you." I rolled my eyes. "Not the point and you know it. I am here to say I still love you, and I forgive you." He looks at me, and his silver eyes almost shine in the moonlight. "How can you possibly love and forgive me?" He hisses. "The same way I still love Jones after he drank, and Beauty for snorting, and Scar for cutting. The same way you all love and forgive me for always needing to be in control." Reno stared at me, and then scooped me up in his arms. "Matt! Andrew! Dallas!" I called to Beauty, Jones, and Scar. We all forgave each other, all night long.

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