Part 5

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We had been on lock down, because a rival club was trying to attack us. We had captured a few of the members, and they were being held in the basement. I was walking down the stairs, and I head Little Momma's voice. "Please. You have to help me. If I let you go and they find out then they will kill me. Please! Please! Where would you take me to be safe?" I paused, Little Momma was betraying us. Granted we had kidnapped her, and Snake had tortured her, but we got her treatment for her cancer, and Snake hadn't touched her since that first day. In fact he hasn't seemed interested in her since that first day. It's been three months since she came here. "What if they are listening!?" He hissed back. "No. They had a run to go on, but they will be back in about 30 minutes. Please! I have to know I will be safe. If it isn't far enough for my safety, I can't let you go. Look what they do to me!" She was begging. I heard some gasps, and some growls. Had Snake been getting to her where we didn't know about it? "I want you to go to the old warehouse off of fourth street. Tell my president 'Dame sent you for security.'" He sighed. "What about you? I will just take you with me. You can tell him? I don't think I can make it by myself." I was puzzled, she was just told how to be free of us. "Because, I am getting almost the same information from them as they are from me. I have to stay here. My club know your coming. I have a bug in my ear." He whispers. I hear her giggling. "Beauty!" She calls in a sing song voice. I don't move. 

"What are you doing!?" He hisses. "Make sure Beauty, you know, the enforcer here, wasn't down here." She hissed back, and I hear a slap. "You need to leave!" He growls. "Why? I don't know why I would leave my club." She says in a childish voice. Who is she playing. "Which ear is the bug in? Found it! I clearly need to teach them to check better. " I heard a hammer hit, and the guy scream at her. "Now, we can have some real fun. I haven't had any fun in so long." Her voice is husky, and my pants are getting tight. "What the fuck is that for?" He sounds scared. "Well, you have to be naked to have fun. Don't you want to have fun with me?" She sounds so sexual. "Fuck, I want you, but you are a crazy bitch." I control my need to choke the man. Little Momma is mine. "Well, I am crazy, but that is because men broke me. They didn't break my will, they broke my morals, they broke my ability to feel guilt, they made my psychotic. " She groaned after she finished speaking, and the man hissed. "God, its been almost a week since I had this. Oh, how I have missed it!" She cried out. The woman I wanted was fucking our prisoner. "You bitch! Don't you fucking dare!" I then heard him cry out in pain. I walked further inside where I could see them, but they couldn't see me. She was in a spaghetti strapped tank, and short shorts, and barefoot. Her scars from Snake where showing on her back. She was knelt in front of the guy, and he was naked.  "You are psychotic! Get the hell away from me!" He was trying to scoot the chair backwards. "Don't do that. I will have to make you stay put." She said it so innocently, but the man froze. He started trying to scurry away from her faster. She sighed, and picked up a hammer and nail. She took a swing and hit the nail into his foot. "Oops." She giggled. Little Momma was insane. I shot the guys a text, for them to come down here discreetly. 

Scar, Jones, and Reno were all beside me. Hidden in the shadows, watching Little Momma torture this guy, and he was singing like a canary. She had nailed his feet to the floor, injected sand into his knees, The most crazy thing was her licking up the blood from places she cut. "That's it! I swear that is it! I promise. I told you everything." He was crying. "Little Momma." My voiced boomed over his sobs. She turned and looked horrified. She had been caught, and she knew it. All four of us stepped out into the light. "Fuck! I told her everything! Please, no more, no more!" He cried out. I nodded to Jones, and he pulled his gun and killed the little rat. Little Momma was standing there, rocking on her feet, with her thumb in between her teeth. She had blood spray on her. I crooked my finger for her to come to me. "How long has this been going on?" I pointed to the now dead man. "You know all the reports that have been typed up?" She said and sucked both lips in between her teeth. "A month?" I had been getting neatly typed reports on information given by captives. I furrowed my brow, all of them had been dead. "Did you kill the others?" She bowed her head in a submissive stance, that she had never taken with me before. She barely nodded her head. She is obviously effective, every single bit of information typed in those reports, had been valid. "No, more killing them. That is our job." I growled. She nodded. "No torturing without one of us knowing either! Beauty could have killed you for how you started out." Reno snapped, and with it her head shot up. She had a sinful smile. Did you know where they were hiding before that?" Realization dawned on me. She had snussed out their location, and we had done nothing. "Shit." I cursed, and her eyes shot to mine. "You didn't send anyone to capture them, and I smashed his bug, so they will be moving." She rolled her eyes, and walked away.

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