Part 11

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I was still trying to prove myself to Momma. I didn't even know her real name. It had been another four months since that night. She was a monster. We are glad to know who is in charge, my client is happy with that. However, I am looking for a Nicole. My client is looking for his ex-girlfriend, and thinks the club had her hidden away.

"She is submissive, eager to please, bubbly, caring, sweet, sexy." That is how he described her, yet I haven't found her. None of the girls go by their real names, its Momma, Kitten, Candy, Jasmine, Amber, and Sugar. My client is getting aggravated, but I can't gain Momma's trust enough to let me into her inner circle. I know those four guys are fucking her. They act like they don't, and maybe they haven't and just want to. I need to be one of her closest people.

Sitting in my shitty apartment, my phone starts ringing. "Vice." I answer. "Have you found her yet?" He says coolly. "No, I can't get access to the files without Momma becoming suspicious." I sigh out. "Find her. It has been almost six months." He growls. "They don't trust people in that short of time." I growl back. "Find someone who will betray Momma. I would just come and identify her, but two things would happen. One she would see me, and two they may not be allowing her out." He explains, yet again. "Can I snap pictures of all the girls and send it to you? That way you can identify her." I ask, again. He isn't wanting me to send him anything. "Fine, I'll have someone pick then up in two days." He hunts up. I have two days to figure out how to get a picture of all the girls.


For the past four months we have all suspected something about Vice. He hasn't proved he isn't betraying us. Momma wants to torture him, but none of us like what she has in mind. She wants to fuck the answer out of him. She won't fuck us, but she is willing to fuck the answer out of him. He still haven't gotten more than a kiss on the cheek. Momma is in my lap again, my arms around her waist, her back to my chest.

"Momma. You know we love you. Can we talk about us sharing you?" Reno rushed out. I tightened my grip. "You guys want to share me?" She sounded thoroughly confused. I chuckled, "Yes, Momma. We don't want to not be chosen." I kissed her shoulder. "We all talked about it, and instead of pining after our best friend's girl, we all agreed we could share." Jones explained sheepishly. "Would I be your guys personal club whore or would I be an Ole Lady?" I growled at Club whore, and the guys tensed. "We all want a claim. You would never be considered a club whore. You would be the club's Ole Lady." Scar tried to explain. "Sounds like a club whore with privilege to smack y'all around." She crossed her arms. "You would be property of us four, keep doing the same thing, but be our Ole Lady." I spoke quickly, trying to alleviate some of the tension, she hummed out a response. "Get rid of Snake. Then you can yell it from the roof tops. I won't get anymore attached to you four, with him in the picture. He will use us against each other if he knows." She got up from my lap and walked away. My heart sank, but also sped up. She was saying she cared enough that we were her weakness. By the look on their faces the other guys realized it too.

"Beauty! Please take a pic of all of us! Please!" Momma walked up with several phones, and a camera. "What's this about?" She shrugged. "Vice made a comment about us not getting a picture opening night, and since we have that big night coming up. I thought we should take a group photo?" She seemed to be asking permission. I rolled my eyes, and kissed the top of her head. I would do anything for her, including die.

"Kitten! Come on. We need a picture of all of us!" Momma crooked her finger at Kitten, and she blushed. Kitten had visited Momma recently. Since the fiasco with Kitten, everyone knows Momma services the girls. We all also know that she doesn't receive anything. I took pictures with everyone's phone and the camera. "Thank you Beauty!" I leaned down, and got my kiss on the cheek as a reward.

Vice was buying Momma drinks and shots tonight. I had never seen her drink. I texted the guys to get over here. She was going to be a light weight. A year and a half of no alcohol. "Beauty!" She cried out. Luckily I hadn't drank that much. She jumped into my arms, straddling my waist. My hands hooked her nice firm ass. "Momma, are you drunk?" She blushed, Momma actually blushed, and nodded. Then she giggled, and tried to wiggle out of my arms.

"Where you going?" I questioned raising an eyebrow. "We. We are going to dance. I want to dance with my Beauty." She slurred, and I couldn't help but laugh at this beautiful woman. Reno, Scar, and Jones walked in. Momma gasped, and tried run to them. I managed to catch her before she face planted. "She is really drunk." Jones commented. "Yeah, Vice has been feeding her liquor all night." She shot me a dirty look. "I could have said no, if I wanted to." She tried to sass. "Looks like we will be on puke detail." Reno chuckled. She pursed her lips, then stuck her tongue out. I handed her off to the others and went to find Vice. I was going to put another hole in him for getting her this drunk.

"Why, in the fuck, would you give Momma that much alcohol!?" I growled, cornering Vice in the office. "Because she asked me to help her get the courage to tell y'all something." He sighed. "Tell us what!" I crossed my arms, and took up the doorway. I was getting my answer. He rubbed his forehead. "That she wants your help finding an old lover." He sighed. "She told me that she felt guilty because you all are in love with her. She told me they broke up when they were younger, due to family issues. She still loves him." I felt my blood run cold. It would make sense that she has been holding off because she was in love with someone else. I grunted an acknowledgment, and left. Upon returning, Reno had a very passed out Momma in his arms. "Good thing we brought the truck instead of the bikes." He laughed.

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