Part 14

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"I don't know why you won't just tell me. I would give you pain medicine, a proper meal, a shower. Just tell me what I want to know, then you can live like a Queen. You want some of the bikers as pets, I can live with that." Ryan was being nice, and sweet. I was held up by my wrists, and I was naked. He had whipped me, stabbed me, dislocated my joints, and had starved me. He had a doctor come in to assess me, and keep me alive. "Tell me, just tell me Baby Girl." He stroked my face, and I spat in his. "Fine. Tie her to the bed, face down, legs spread." He barked. I needed to find my happy place. I let my eyes drift shut. I saw Beauty, he was smiling at me. Arms came around my waist, and it was Jones, he was laughing. Scar's eyes were twinkling, and he was smirking at me, and Reno. Reno was looking at me like I could do no wrong, and I was the most valuable treasure. "They didn't love you." Ryan's voice hissed. "They just wanted you to be willing." I felt his grimy hands on my body. "Only I am willing to love you. You will tell me, and you will love me." I felt him at my front entrance. I tried to find a place to hide away in. I was so dehydrated, even if I was turned on, I wouldn't be wet. A small screamed bubbled in my throat, as he ripped into me. I hadn't shed a tear the entire time he had been torturing me, but now I wished I had tears to cry. "Baby Girl. You are so fucking tight! I forgot how good you feel! Fuck!" He continued chanting how good it was, and praising me on how tight I was, mixed with some Fucks. All I felt was pain. Pain on his thrust from him creating the wrong friction, pain from him hitting my cervix with hard thrusts, pain from when he would thrust at an angle and rip me. "Tell me what I need to know, and I will stop." He was gently thrusting, but still causing painful friction. "Fuck you." I hissed through gritted teeth. "Fine, then I will just take every hole over and over until you tell me." He rammed me hard enough blackness took over. 


I walked into the night club that was called Little Momma's. I knew in order to get to her, I needed to have someone else to hurt. Someone she cared about. She could handle pain, but she would never cause harm to someone she loved. I watched the men practically fucking the girls on the couches. Girls dancing on the bar, half naked. She had made a hit club, especially with the strip club upstairs. "Hi, anything I can get you?" A cute dark hair pale skinned, blue eyed beauty sauntered up to me. I smiled, and asked for Momma. Her smile faltered, and she shifted uneasily from foot to foot. "She doesn't own the place anymore, but we couldn't bare to change the name." She half way explained with a sigh. "I see, that is too bad. Well then I guess I will just enjoy the bar, and the view." I eyed her body, and she blushed. "Sorry sweetheart. I don't bat for your team anymore." She patted my shoulder. "Maybe you should try me, and see if that statement still stands." I kissed her throat. I could tell I was turning her on, but she would be too easy if she gave in now. "Fuck it. I ain't had anyone in almost two weeks, and she ain't coming back." She breathed. I had my Baby Girl for almost two weeks. I do so hope they were together. I smiled, "Ryan." I extended my hand. She smiled and extended hers back. "Kitten." 

"Fuck Ryan! Yes, right there!" Kitten was clawing my back, and damn she did feel good. Not as good as my Baby Girl, but she would do to keep around. Her orgasm milked out my own. "Fuck yes!" I cried out, I hadn't gotten off with Baby Girl, she passed out before I could. "I have a surprise for you, Kitten." I whispered. "Hmm?" she was drawing lazy circle on my chest. I put on my pants, and put my shirt on her. I took her hand, and led her to Baby Girl's room. "Close your eyes." She looked suspicious, but did it anyway. This girl was far too trusting. I opened the door, and gently pushed Kitten inside. Baby Girl was back to hanging by her wrists, she was still unconscious, but damn did she have a fine body. My dick was getting hard just looking at her naked body. I pushed the door closed, so Kitten couldn't run. I nodded to the doc to wake Baby Girl up.


I came to with cold water being thrown on me. I gasped in shock. I was dangling again, i blinked my eyes open, to see Kitten standing in front of me, wearing a men's shirt, her eyes closed, and Ryan with a smirk, and a finger pressed to his lips. "When can I open my eyes?" Kitten asked, fiddling with the bottom of his shirt. "In just a minute, Kitten. Hold on let me get it perfect." Ryan was watching me, he knew my weakness. Those I care about, and fucking Kitten was someone I cared about. Since that night she submitted to me, she kept coming back for more. She wanted my mouth hon her clit, and my fingers hitting her sweet spot. It was my hair she wanted to pull, my name she chanted. She had worked at my club, to stop being a club girl. She didn't want dick anymore, just me. Now, she was standing in front of me, just been thoroughly fucked by my monster of an ex, and she is about to be tortured for me to turn on the guys. "Try to cry out, and I will slit her throat. You nod when you are ready to give me information." Ryan hissed in my ear. He opened another door, and led Kitten through. There was a two way mirror, and it was Fifty Shades of Grey Red room replica. I felt nauseous. I watched him take his shirt off of her. He turned her to face the mirror. "I want you to watch me." She thought he was saying it to her, but he was saying it to me. She gulped. His hands slid over her stomach, up under her breasts, over her clavicles, and settle on her throat. One hand stayed on her throat, gently choking her, while his other found her clit. He started rubbing large circles on her clit. Kitten was twitching, and gasping. He held her in place by her throat. His circles became faster, and smaller. I could see her almost fall over the edge, and he stopped. His hand reached behind him, and pulled a knife. I fought against my restraints. I had to save her. His grip tightened on her throat, and she looked scared. I wanted so badly to comfort her. 

"Momma!" Kitten cried out, when Ryan made the two way mirror a window. He had shut the door between us, and was holding a knife to her throat. "See, Baby Girl here won't tell me what I want. So if she makes a sound with her mouth, your pretty little throat gets slit. She is going to watch me take you, over and over again. You are going to watch her be beat, stabbed, and maybe some electrocution trying to get her to make a sound. It all stops when she tell me what I need to know." Ryan explains the game to Kitten. She whimpers, and shrinks in on herself. "They will find us, Momma. He picked me up from the club." She tried to be brave, but Ryan's barking laughter has her flinching. "Baby Girl was sold to me, by the club, and you are nothing more than a whore to them. You disappearing, won't be weird, just some whore." He whispers into her ear. Tears fall down her face. He is good at getting into your mind, and learning what scares you the most. "Baby Girl, save the girl. You will be allowed to keep her, as a pet, and I will even leave her alive. Just betray the club that has betrayed you." His hand is roaming all over Kitten's perfect body. I yanked on my restaints, popping my shoulders back into place. I swung my legs, and popped my hips into place. The doctor gasped, and his face paled. He knew how much that hurt. I yanked on the bindings holding my wrists. 

Weeks of him torturing me, by fucking her until she sobbed. Then he would physically torture me, trying to get me to cry out. I had lost track of time, the light was always on. I was fed through an IV, and there was no clock in the room. I counted days, by when Ryan or the doctor slept. Ryan would sometimes, sleep in the bed in my room. Today he burst in grinning. "So, you two were lovers before all this. Baby Girl you get to fuck her." I was dropped suddenly to the ground. I had been working out my body, by pulling myself up, and crunching my abs, I even 'walked.' He dragged me by my hair. "You are going to finger, and eat her out, but she can't cum, until I give the say so." He explained, his new game. He was going to torture us, but forcing me to hurt her, and him get to see painful girl on girl action. "Its okay Momma. I know you wouldn't ever hurt me if you had a choice." Kitten whispered. "She could stop all of this. She is purposefully hurting you. You mean less than those men, she never fucked do." Ryan hissed, yanking my head back by my hair. "She knows that i will suffer this, if it keeps our friends and family alive!" Kitten spat back. "Those friends and family haven't looked for you, and the sold her to me! I bought her from you two's precious little club. They through her out like trash." The tears slid down my face. He was right. I had been thrown out. The only person to have not thrown me out, was my husband who was dead. He loved me for 11 years, he waited 11 years for me to realize he was right for me. He was taken from me, and I was left. Everyone else has just thrown me away. Ryan let go of my hair, and I looked into Kitten's eyes. I was going to do exactly what Ryan said. I was going to eat her, and finger her until she was begging to come, or he finally gave up, because she was crying to hard. I slide on finger inside her. "Momma? What are you doing?" Kitten asked, and I ignored her. I lowered my head onto her sweet sweet clit, and began toying with it. She shivered, and I began pumping my finger, and curling it. "I am going to make you hate yourself." Ryan whispered. He did. While I was making Kitten cum over and over again, he took me from behind. I hated that my body reacted, and I also got off, on his dick.

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