Part 19

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"You idiot! You almost killed her! She will have major bruising. She won't be able to talk for a long while. Congratulations, you made her mute, like the other one." Hog held one of the Mommas, while Beauty looked devastated, and Scar was confused. "I was going to kill her, and she said she still forgives me, and love us all." Beauty sounds distraught. "She apologized for taking so long to tell us. She loves us." Scar sounded puzzled. "Little Momma. I am so sorry." Hog was apologizing to her. "The fuck happened down here!?" Demon barked. "Beauty needed to punish someone. I volunteered." I heard her voice, it was hoarse, but it was Little Momma's. "Nicole!?" I turn around, and she is still laying in Hog's arms. I scoop her up, and hold her to my chest. "It really is her?" Beauty whispers, and I nod. "I forgive you, and still love you." Momma whispers looking towards Beauty, while reaching out her hand. He tentatively takes it, and brings it to his lips. He kisses it, and let go. "I am so sorry." He cups her face, and she smiles. "I told you. I have already forgiven you." He smiled, and leaned in to kiss her cheek. She turned her head, and kissed him. He was the first of us to get a kiss, while she was in my arms. Our woman was impressive. 

"As much as I would love to continue this. Preferably not in the cells, and not when we have Carbon upstairs." Momma sighed. "Carbon?" I questioned, and Momma started snickering. "She is my Carbon copy." I set Momma on her own feet. We headed upstairs, and found the copy surrounded by members. They did a double take, and the copy grew wide eyed at the site of Momma. "My house, my men, my club, my life. Phone, now." Little Momma demanded. The copy pulled a small black device from her bra, and handed it to Momma. "He was paying me shit anyway. Plus I am so plain." She tried to walk away, and her voice was nasally. Buddy grabbed her arm. "You mean to tell me that this skinny one is the fake?" He jabbed a finger towards the copy. She rolled her eyes. "Duh! Can't believe none of you could see that." Her eyes were still hollow, and void, but she had facial expression. Buddy dragged her to the cells, with her crying out that she was just getting paid, it was nothing major.

It took a while to get everyone calmed down, and over the fact Little Momma was home. She also smacked around a few, all, of us because we let the clubhouse get into such a mess. It felt so good to have her in my arms, and her drinking her peppermint tea. "We need to have church." Demon announced. Momma nodded, and got out of my lap. She was headed towards the kitchen. "Momma, where you heading?" Jones asked. "Kitchen, y'all have church." She said it like we should know. "Little Momma, why would you think you wouldn't be allowed?" Demon questioned. "One, I am not a patched member. Two, I am a woman. Three, I trust my guys to make the decision I would." She smiles at us. "You will be in this church meeting if I have to drag you. You have information from while you were being held. You will be privileged to less club business as you were until you can be found reliable again." Demon spoke with venom. However, Little Momma just smiled and nodded. "I would never do anything to betray this club, but I wouldn't expect to be treated any other way." Her bruise from Beauty was turning an angry purple. This fragile looking woman, was so strong in every way. I understood what Demon was saying, but didn't mean I wanted her treated poorly anymore.

"No, he knew I was still loyal to the club. He wouldn't even accidentally let me see anything! The only time he made a mistake was leaving me with one guard. He didn't think I would be able to kill a man three times my size, with my bare hands, well just my teeth." Momma was yelling. Demon was hounding her about her time in captivity. "You enjoyed sex with him!" Demon growled. "Oh fuck you! If one of these guys sucked you every day, eventually you would get off too. Just because I came on camera a few times, doesn't mean I enjoyed it! I quit having orgasms when he slit Kitten's throat while I was going down on her." Momma argued. He scoffed. "That would never happen." Demon growled. Momma got a look, and I knew that look. She meant trouble for Demon. She swayed her hips walking up to him, and crawled in his lap straddling him. "So, you are saying that if I were to play with you, you wouldn't get turned on?" She sounded so sweet and innocent. "No, I wouldn't." He gritted into her face. "Then why are you hard? Demon, I could whip you out, and fuck you. I could make you cum." Her voice was husky, and even though she was proving a point, I was getting turned on. So were a few others, by them readjusting themselves. "Get off of me whore!" Demon shoved her into the floor, and stood up. It was obvious he was hard. "My point on display. Just because your body reacts, doesn't mean it is welcomed." She hissed, and curled up into Scar's arms. 

"Here is what I do know, which won't be much. His home is fortified, latest technology. Security camera's every where. Carbon didn't tell him I was here. I checked her phone. I think we should pay her to keep sending false info to him. Make it seem like I didn't come here in my escape. That I fled, besides you all did kidnap me first. We can't get in to him, so we bring him to us." Momma states calmly. Demon glares at her. "Fine, if you are so worried about your Ole Lady being pissed at you, then I will tell her, and she can pummel me. Trust me, she will be nothing compared to what I have taken." She hisses, at Demon. Demon turns his face away from Momma. "Leave so we can discuss other things." He grunts. She kisses Scar, Jones, Beauty, and then me. She leaves to more than likely go to the kitchen, maybe to shower. "I have one problem. What if he wanted her to escape?" Demon sighs. I hadn't considered it. The only time he slipped up was the night she escaped, not likely. "We should have asked why she was fed, and why she was being allowed to walk around his house." Demon sighed, I hadn't wanted to think about it. "He was trying to get her pregnant. She was a trophy, led around on a leash and collar." Hog whispers, all attention on him. "He let her walk around the house, light work outs, eating at proper times, to get her healthy enough for his baby. Yet, she always had a guard with her, and was punished if even got too close to an outside door. Had to eat with her hands, because utensils were a weapon for her. He had the kitchen and dining room locked. I honestly think it was her guard who made the mistake that led to her escape, not Ryan." Hog explains. The table is silent. "So, all in favor of Momma's plan?" Scar speaks. The table is unanimous. 

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