Part 22

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"Daddy! No, Daddy!" My two year old daughter cries out, while Jones is blowing raspberries on her belly. Scar comes in with the youngest asleep in his arms. Reno has Devon the second oldest on his shoulders, and Beauty is arm wrestling the oldest, Cole. Cole looks remarkable like Beauty, green eyes dark hair. Lavender, looks just like Jones. She has his blonde hair, and blue eyes. Devon looks like a combination of me and Reno. Now, Delilah, she is definitely her Daddy's little girl. She is two months old, and that man is wrapped around her little finger, much like his beard is currently. She has his darker skin, his dark eyes, and our dark hair. All four of my kids calls each of the guys Dad or Daddy. Cole is almost ten. I can't believe it has been almost ten years, except for the lack of sleep, constant mess.

The bar and strip club are still mine, or are mine again. I haven't legally married any of the guys, but we held a ceremony and we all said vows, and the guys even to each other, which got them teased. Scar built us a custom bed, and even managed to order a custom mattress. It fits all five of us comfortable. For our fifth anniversary, the guys surprised me with our own house. Our room was the entire third floor, with our majorly large custom bed. There were five, maybe six other bedrooms, and the guys looked guilty at the time, but now I am glad. The ground floor has a beautiful kitchen, a massive living room, and then a game room. The basement has a gym for us all to keep in shape.

"Momma, can I talk to you?" Cole comes up looking upset. I nod, and he leads me away from his Dads. "What's wrong baby?" I set my hand on his shoulder. "Are you a slut?" He asks, nervously, and I am taken aback. "What?" I ask, but try to remain calm, because he seems upset. " A couple boys at school. They were calling you a slut. I went to defend you, and they said me having four Dads means you are a slut. I didn't know what to do." He shrugged looking defeated. "Honey, you are old enough to know about the club girls, yeah?" He nods, "Those are sluts. They just want one thing, and it isn't love. Do I love your Dads?" His head shoots up to look at me, and he nods ferociously. "Do they love me?" I ask quietly. "Abso-fucking-lutely." I scoff and roll my eyes. "So, then if that makes me slut, because I love four men, and they love me, then so be it. Which boy is it?" I have an idea of who it is. "Its Joe Harrison." He looks guilty. I turned down Doc Harrison, who wanted to be part of us. "You tell him the next time he wants to call me a slut, that he shouldn't be jealous because you have some many people who love you." Cole smiled at me, "Give him a good sock to his jaw too." I wink at him, and he wraps his arms around my neck. "I love you, Mom." He whispers. "Love you too, sweet boy."

"Momma! Momma! Help, please!" Hog bursts through our front door, holding the limp body of a woman. He had been distant for several weeks, and we hadn't been having our normal conversations. "Beauty, get my bag. Scar, get the kids out of here. Reno, clear the table. Jones call Doc, I will need backup." I had become our field medic, and tortured people. This girl was bleeding, broken, bruised, and needed a lot of help. Hog set her on the table, and I started lifting her shirt, she suddenly jerked awake, and looked me in the eye. She cried out, and stabbed me in the gut. She was able to stab me twice before Hog snapped her neck, and started apologizing to me. Hog held pressure on my wound, while Jones held me against his chest. Beauty held my hand, and Reno was yelling into his phone. I was losing too much blood, and wouldn't survive until doc got here. "I shouldn't have brought her. I thought she just needed help." Hog started crying. "Don't you dare. I gave the orders, and was stupid to not check her for a weapon." I gritted. I couldn't die with him thinking it was his fault.

"Mommy!" Cole ran into the room, and slide onto his knees beside me. He set his had on my cheek. "You can't leave me! Who will tell me what things mean?" Cole begged, he had tears, but wouldn't let them fall. "Its okay to cry, sweet boy." He shook his head. "If I cry, then you will let go. I need you for our secret conversations." I smiled at my sweet, baby boy. "I am sure one of your dads would have them." I whisper, but he shakes his head. "No, I need my Momma. I need her to have secret conversations, and tell me its okay to punch Joe, because he called her a slut. I need you to tell me its okay to like a girl. I need you to teach me how to be a gentleman." He is begging me, and it is bringing tears to my eyes. "I need you too. I need you to beat me into shape. I need you to have secret conversations with me, and tell me its okay to cry." Hog sobs. I grunt in pain.

"I am here! Shit. Momma." Doc goes pale, and starts getting everything he needs. "You do everything fucking possible to save her. You need something, tell us we will get it, no matter what it is." Reno growls at him. My men won't let me go, but they may have no choice. The last thing I see is Doc smiling at me while he injects me with pain killers. Cole squeezes my hand, and I give into the darkness.

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