Part 6

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It had been a year since Little Momma came into our lives. I had been paying her into an account for helping the club and with the clubhouse. All four of us agreed to it. She was getting the information needed for certain things. She also was keeping the bar stocked, as well as the kitchen. There were always snacks on hand, and munchies. She cooked all the time, and the clubhouse was spotless. I know she made the prospects do a lot of it, but didn't know how she managed 30 men, and tortured. If I didn't know better, I would say she runs the club. no other MC would ever find us threatening if they knew a woman ran our club. She doesn't attend church, or is an official member, but she is one of us. She also keeps us all in line. She can also keep the club whores in line. 

"Jones. I would love to have you fill me up." Kitten, the brand new club girl, crawled into my lap, straddling me. I sneered, and tried to push her off. She was like a damn leech. She wrapped her arms around my neck, and planted her lips on mine in a wet sloppy kiss. She was suddenly jerked off of me, by Little Momma. "Kitten, I told you to play nice. Do you like orgasming?" She hissed, and Kitten glared at her. Little Momma had Kitten her hair. "Do you?" She shook Kittens head. "Yes! Of course I do!" Kitten gasped. "Then I suggest you start playing nice, or I will tell every single guy in here to not let you orgasm. They won't cross me. Got it?" Kitten tried to fight. "Got it?"Little Momma pulled her head back further. "Got it." Kitten grit out. Little Momma pushed her forward and let go. "You are just pissed off, because none of these guys want you! You are jealous because they will all want me, but none will want you!" It was so silent you could hear a pin drop. "No orgasms. Boys, if you let her cum, you will answer to me. She need to be coming to me and begging for a release. Understood?" No one said a damn thing. "I said understood?" She growled. There was a chorus of "Yes Momma!" Including from my mouth. 

"Jones! Please, please get me off." Kitten was begging me. It had been a week, and none of the boys had dare cross Little Momma. They wanted to keep their club girl privileges, their baked good privileges, and not have to be on puke detail. She may not cause us physical harm, but she is down right terrifying. "Beg Little Momma." I snort at her. She scowls. "I won't beg that bitch!" She hisses. Candy sitting beside me just sighs. "Little Momma knows how to break us real fast, and she never even lifts a finger. She ought to just beg her. It is so rewarding when you do!" Candy groaned sexually. I looked at her and raised an eyebrow. She gasped and covered her mouth. "Candy, do explain." I smirked. "Little Momma makes sure we girls are well taken care of. She, uhm, well relieves us when you men don't." Candy blushed. This was news to me. Little Momma was getting the club girls off? I want to see this! "I see, please do tell more." I encouraged. "Candy." Little Momma was standing in front of us, with an eyebrow raised, and her hands on her hips. Candy scurried away, and into the lap of another member. "What did she tell you?" She narrowed her eyes. "That Kitten needs to just beg you already, because it would be in her favor." I smirked, raising my own eyebrow in challenge. 

"Get the table clear! Hog took a bullet!" Beauty busts through the front door. Several other brothers drag a groaning Hog inside. Little Momma is running towards the table. "Jones get the med kit! Beauty get me some towels, and some gloves! Also get me the strongest alcohol we have. Should be the Absinthe." She yells out orders, and everyone takes off. I bring her the med kit, which is for a doctor not Little Momma. "Hog, This is going to hurt like a bitch. I have to get that bullet out, got it?" Hog nods and groans. Beauty returns with the towels, Absinthe and gloves. "Boys put on the gloves, I needs some nurses." Beauty and I just look at each other, then turn to see Momma starting an IV on Hog's good arm. "Sorry, Sweetheart. I needs some people to hold him down."  Hog nodded, and she poured the Absinthe over his wound. We all held the big man down. She started digging her finger into his wound. "FUCK!" He cried out. "I'm sorry, sweetheart." She cooed. She pulled out, and grabbed the clamps. Using the clamps she pulled out an intact bullet. "Doc's here!" Snake walked in with doc. "What the fuck are you doing to my man!" Snake backhanded Little Momma, and all the club tensed ready to step in. "18 gauge normal saline, wide open. Bullet removed, minimal bleeding. Only sutures left." Momma looked at the doc. "She just save your man's life. " Doc hissed at Snake. Momma got up, and went to Hog's head. "I got you sweetheart." She stroked his head. "Thank you, Momma." She smiled and kissed his head. "Hold him boys!" She called out, seeing the doc near with the sutures. "I got you. Just relax." She cooed. 

For the next week I watched Little Momma take care Hog. She made sure he took his antibiotic, cleaned his wound, changed his bandages, and she had a fucking black eye to show for it. I wanted to kill Snake for that. Most of the club has contacted the original chapter. Reno called the VP, I emailed their IT guy, Beauty messaged their enforcer, and Scar called their pres. We all got told they couldn't help. I was watching Little Momma flit around the clubhouse, and smiling and laughing. Most of the guys knew that she was the one to actually torture information out of people. Yet, watching her she was the perfect woman. Small, curvy body, little nose, gorgeous eyes, gorgeous smile, caring, and strong. I saw Kitten walking up to Little Momma, with her head bowed. Her black hair dropped into her face, her pale skin on display in a black crop top. She knelt in front of Little Momma. "Please! Please!" Kitten sobbed. "Please what?" Little Momma questioned. "Please, let me cum. I need a release." Little Momma smiled, and pulled Kitten up by her hair. She dragged her over to the couch. "Remember this Kitten. I am the only one who can take it away, and I will be the first one to give them back. Don't cross me." Little Momma hissed while playing with Kitten's pussy. Kitten was on display for everyone to see. It didn't take her long, especially when Little Momma used her tongue on Kitten's clit. Kitten came, and Momma announced, "She is all your's boys!" Momma walked off and washed her face and hands.

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