Part 21

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Since that day we consummated our arrangement, as the five of us. We moved into the president's room, which Reno is the president, and have taken turns sleeping with Momma. Usually it is two of us with her, but she can't sleep unless the four of us men are in the room. I am concerned about an up coming run, because we all four have to go on it. I am now the Vice President, still the tech guy too, but Hog is now our treasurer. Hog and Momma have a unique relationship. We all asked Momma if she wanted to bring him into our group and she told us that wasn't what Hog wanted. She was more of his big sister, or his mother than anywhere close to being a lover. It calmed us, and we are more than okay, with Hog kissing Momma's head or cheek, and when he comes in and sweeps her up into a bear hug. We have paid Carbon to send misleading information, including messages that she feels like we are keeping things from her. He hasn't asked if Momma is here, and she hasn't said anything. We are leading him into a big set up, and it is happening today. It has been over a month since Momma came home to us.

The set up was that  we were going on a massive run, and would be leaving a skeleton  crew behind. The part I hated was we were leaving Momma, Buddy, the two newest prospects, and five full patches behind to defend the clubhouse. We all had to leave to make it look legit. We wouldn't be too far out of the way, but we had to go at least out of town. "I will be fine. You boys need to leave." I growled, and the others grumbled. She giggled, and pressed a searing, heated kiss to each of us. riding away from her, is one of the hardest things I have ever done. Riding away knowing she may be in danger, was even harder. 

We all rode out of town, down a long stretch of highway. Turned onto back roads, and made sure no one was following us, before heading back towards town. Reno signaled for us to stop, and he answered his phone. "You are sure? That was it? Seriously? Fine be there in twenty." He looked at me, and I knew something wasn't adding up. Arriving back at the clubhouse, there were two black SUV sitting in the yard. We walked into the clubhouse, and it was eerily quiet. Reno led us down to the cells, and we found about ten mafia men, in our cells. Our own men guarding them. I didn't see Momma or Ryan. "Where is she? Where is Ryan?" Reno growled at Buddy. She wanted to haul him down here, but I haven't seen them since we have problems." Buddy motions to the mafia guys. Reno pulls his gun, and I do the same. We kill all of the mafia men. "Reno! Jones! You two need to see this!" A prospect yells from the top of the stairs. In the back yard, there is Momma standing with Ryan in shackles, a collar, and cabled to a cable in between two trees. He tried to take the collar off, but his shackles won't allow him to reach it. "I got us a pet. Do you like it?" She bounces over to us. "Baby, we can't keep him." Her smile goes into a frown at Reno's words. "Okay, can I play with him for a bit? I mean, its been a while since I have played with a prisoner." Her eyes sparkle. I swear she thoroughly enjoys torturing people. Reno can hardly tell her no, and he caves. "Oh! the newest members and the prospects need to watch." She is back to bouncing, and sounding sweet. I give her puzzled look. "They need to know that if they mess with me, even if they think none of you will find out, that I am much worse than you four." Her tone goes cold, and serious. Beauty smiles, and Scar dashes after the ones who need to see, and the ones who will enjoy watching. 

"You all have been called out her to see what happens when you mess with this family. Little Momma, here was held captive by this scum behind us for six months. Some of you know how Momma handles trauma, and some of you had never met her until a month and a half ago. Welcome to the show." Reno announces and nods to Momma. "Ryan. Come on sweetheart. Wake up. Its Baby Girl." She coos, and cups his cheek. He is passed out on the ground. She gently pats his face, and he starts coming to. "Baby Girl? What is going on?" His voice getting stronger, and he looks at all of us. "I'm so sorry. Ryan, this is why I would never betray them." She sounds so sincere, and caring. He whips his head to look at her, and his face hardens. "Why? Why won't you betray them?" He sneers in her face. "Because this is my family. These are my lovers, and those are our brothers!"Her voice goes stoic. She stands, and looms over his weak knelt frame. "Beauty, chair, and restraints please? Momma needs them." She asks huskily. I love when my woman goes psycho. Ryan, you tortured me for six months. You tried to break me, and the one mistake was leaving me with a man who wanted to fuck me, as much as you wanted to break me."  He raised his head, and his eyes met hers. "How did you kill Philip? I didn't think you had it in you." He chuckled dryly. "I seduced him, and then ripped his throat out with my teeth. Then I did something that you gave me the fascination for, way back when you took my virginity." This is something new, and unexpected. "What would that be Baby Girl?" He hissed, standing to his feet. "Licking up the blood of my victims." She answered huskily. She pulled a knife from her belt, and stabbed it into his right thigh. He cried out, and she removed the blade, and licked the blade clean. "Mm, just like I hoped, full of fear." Beauty put Ryan in a chair, and cuffed him to the chair, then handed Momma a hammer and very long nails. Her eyes lit up, and she dropped to the ground. He also had a duffel bag under his arm. It was their torture bag. 

Ryan had been nailed to the ground, his dick nailed to his leg. Sand injected into his joints, small cuts made to most of his upper body. She also removed his balls, which I thought was poetic justice, but still cringed. "I really should thank you for something Ryan." He raised his bloody, tear soaked face to look at her. She was flipping a knife. "Because of you, you made something I never thought would be possible. In fact I had been told it would never happen." She sounded her genuinely happy self. I took a step towards her, so did the others. "You got me healthy enough, that my men got me pregnant." She says, placing a hand on her belly. She then slits his throat. All four of us make it to her, and she turns to look at, Surprise, you are all Daddies." She drops her head, while covering her belly.  I raise her head, with a finger under her chin. "Do you know how incredibly happy you just made me?" I ask her, and she looks at me, and shake her head. "And me?" Scar interrupts, and she looks to him. "All of us, look at Reno, he is smiling like an idiot an beaming." Beauty chuckles. Reno picks her up and spins them, kissing her. We each get a turn kissing her, and cooing at our baby.

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