Part 4

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Its been three months since I was kidnapped. Snake, the president/asshole who raped me, hasn't touched me since that first day. I hate to admit it, but he finally broke me. Not in the way he wanted, but in the way I knew was coming. Aaron was the final straw that broke the camel's back. Him thinking I willingly came here, just broke my heart. I told Aaron he was my last relationship, but he never believed me. I won't get married again, and I won't have a boyfriend again. I will have fuck buddies, after I am done with treatments. Scar, Beauty, Jones, and Reno have been helping me get my chores done, with my treatments. I have had the cells burned off, but we are afraid they are going to have to remove everything. The treatments are painful, and the first one I cried. I refused to come out of the treatment room, until my eyes weren't puffy. I know the guys knew I cried. I haven't cried since. The guys were allowed to get me a burner phone for the doctor to call me one. It miraculously starts ringing. 

"Nicole?" Susan, his nurse asks. "Yes, Susan." I reply. I have stopped scrubbing, Ding's bathroom floor. He puked last night. "Sweetheart, you are clear. No more cancerous cells! There is more good news, though!" If I wasn't already on the floor, I would be now. "What more good news can you give me?" I choke out. "You can still have children. We didn't have to remove as much as we thought, and no chemo or radiation." I felt all the air rush out of me, and let out a sob. "Nicole? Are you okay?" Susan asked suddenly worried. "Perfect, in fact wonderful." I hung up. "So, cancer free huh?" I heard Snake behind me. My great day has now been ruined. "Yes." I replied in a robotic voice. "Good, maybe I can finally have you in my bed." I sucked in a gasp of air. "You said you wouldn't as long as I did everything." I looked him straight in the eye. He had a glint there, and smirked. "You haven't been doing your chores, the four directly below me have been helping you." I backed up, it had all been a trick. They knew if they helped I would end up back in his bed. Everyone called me Little Momma, because I acted like a mom, but I was to be the Pres' Ole Lady. "Seriously? After my first I couldn't walk. My second treatment, I couldn't keep anything down. My third I was able to keep down liquids. You were all informed of how bad of a reaction I could have. You knew, and rigged it so that I would always fail." I stood, feeling more confident. "I was just told I am going to live." I grabbed his knife off his belt, and held it to his throat. "If you to save your dick, then I suggest you announce me off limits, to everyone, including yourself. If you don't I will make you dickless in your sleep." I hissed, and he nodded. His blade drew a drop of blood from his neck, and I licked it off. 

"Little Momma. Can we have your lasagna tonight?" Sag, one of the prospects asked in a sheepish tone. I looked up at him, and smiled. "Of course." He nodded, and walked off. I walked into another bedroom, and it was a disaster. Hog's room, of course. He decided since I was supposed to clean rooms, that he would try to make his as messy as possible. Well no more! I took off down the halls, and found Hog drinking at the bar. "HOG!" I yelled, and everyone went quiet. "I have had enough of this shit from you. Get to your room, and fix that Damn mess. Now!" I yelled. He chuckled. "You are our maid, I don't have to clean anymore." I growled out. I marched right over to him, and took his ear between my fingers. "Do you know how many pounds of pressure it take to remove the human ear?" I asked sweetly. He grunted. "Seven pounds of pressure. One good yank, and you would lose an ear. Now come along." I started pulling him towards  his room. I heard several footsteps behind us. WE got to his room, it was on the first floor. "This is fucking bullshit. You pick up you dirt clothes, throw away your trash. I am giving you fifteen minutes. If you don't have it done. Your ear will be the least of your problems." I hissed, and he nodded. I let go, and he took a step forward, and pulled his gun. He pointed it directly at my head. "No, one tells me what to do Little Momma." He spat at me. I raised an eyebrow, and place my hands on my hips, taking a step forward. The barrel of the gun between my eyes. "Clean your fucking room up. I will happily take out your trash, wash your clothes, wash your cum stained sheets, scrub your dirty bathroom floor, but do not think for one minute I will let you take advantage of me." Hog wavered, and lowered the gun. "Sorry Little Momma." He shrugged. "Clean it, if it isn't done in fifteen, then I won't make my special brownies tonight." I heard several gasps. My special brownies weren't pot brownies. No, these were gooey, brown sugar brownies. Hog started rushing around trying to clean his room, and a couple others started helping him too. They loved my cooking, and baking. 

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