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   "How do you plan to open the program? You know it has to be grand and eye catching. Last year we went with the fireworks illusion, I don't think people would want to see that again, Mr. Chesterfield." Mr. Chang, the Chinese organizing agent for the pre merge program was speaking; I was listening to him but, I wasn't paying attention. My mind wasn't in this meeting, no. It was on Fay Henderson.

Honestly, I'd never understand the kind of blind faith she had in Lucas.

I knew she had no idea of his true intentions but- why couldn't she see that he was just playing victim in all of this? He was taking advantage of her.

Even still, she should know better than to go to his house. I mean, is that even right? You have a boyfriend, but still you feel comfortable having breakfast in another man's house?

I mean, how does she think I'd feel about it? Didn't she care about my feelings?

Why would she care? You've done nothing but to make her life miserable for the past three years.

But I was changing, wasn't I? Couldn't she just- just stay away from him? For me?

You've not gotten to that stage in her life, Elroy.

So Lucas has? That bastard only wants her for himself.

"Mr. Chesterfield?"

I looked up at him immediately. "Yes?"

"I asked you a question." He said.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You were saying something about the opening of the program?"

"Yes, Mr. Chesterfield. Do you have any ideas?"

I sat up, trying to shake the thought of Fay from my head. I shouldn't let this bother me.

"Okay, I have a few ideas for this year's opening. Since we went with the fire theme for the last one, I was thinking we should do the complete opposite of-"

The door to my office pushed open with an average amount of force, cutting me off.

A frown was etched to my brows immediately Fay came in, looking equally pissed.

"We need to talk." She snapped at me.

I was confused. Couldn't she see I had a visitor? Did Carter leave his seat again?

The Chinese organizer had a confused look on his face, as his eyes moved from Fay then back to me.

I was getting annoyed by this but I decided to just calm myself, for now.


"Now!" She yelled a little, cutting me off.

What the hell is her problem?

I clenched my Jaw, refraining myself from glaring at her as I shifted my eyes to the organizer's. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Chang. Can we do this some other time, I'll come by your office to finish up the planning."

Dating Mr. CEOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora