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    What could be taking him so long in there? What could they possibly be talking about?

Damn it.

I didn't even know if Elroy was mad at me. Damn his look of indifference.

The moment he told me to go wait in the car, I smelt trouble. I knew he wanted to confront Lucas but then again, why? I thought I told him that Lucas and I were just friends? Why doesn't he just listens?

Oh God, I hope he wasn't going to say something horrible to Lucas. Lucas and I didn't do anything wrong. I was only helping him with his sister's invitation card. I didn't even know time had gone by pretty fast.

I bit my lower lip, looking out the window.

There was no sign of either of them. Maybe I should just go back in.

No... Elroy asked me to wait here, and the last thing I wanted was for him to get mad at me again. We just sorted out an issue. I didn't want to bring up another one.

But what could be taking them so long?

Oh God, I hope I haven't gotten Lucas in trouble. Then again, Elroy didn't seem angry when he walked in... He even smiled at me.

God! I'm going to die of anticipation-

The door to the drivers side of the car, pulled open, making me jump in my seat.

Elroy climbed in, slamming the door beside him. The atmosphere in the car was undeniably tense. I gulped hard. "What took you so long?" I managed to let out.

His hands were visibly shaking when he took the keys to start up the car.

I furrowed my brow in worry. He looked pale, but still I could see little beads of sweat on his forehead. "El? What's wrong?" I asked, worry soaking my words.

"Nothing. Why?" He asked.

"You're pale and- and your hands are shaking." I pointed out.

The engine of his car roared to life. He gripped the steering wheel until his knuckles grew white as we pulled out of his private garage, out to the road.

"Okay, seriously. What the hell happened in there?" I asked him.

"Nothing." He repeated, trying his best to keep cool but it was obviously not working. He was still, his eyes were too focused on the road and I was honestly worried. This was the expression Lucas was expected to have after conversing with him. Why does Elroy look like the victim?



    Lucas had me where he wanted me, and he knew it. I was like a ticking time bomb waiting to explode, and like he said, he was waiting for me to pour out my anger and frustration on Fay. Almost like he had everything planned out.

I tried my best to focus on the road, to stop myself from saying anything that would make me flare up.

I knew I couldn't control my tongue whenever I got angry, I talk and say things without thinking.

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