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Lucas had that sly look on his face, almost as if everything was in his control and I had no say. What could possibly give him that kind of thought? Did he forget who was in charge?

"But here I am." Lucas muttered. "Standing right in front of you, boss." He said, the look on his eyes was that of pure hatred. Honestly, it wasn't the first time I had seen that look on his face before. Sometimes at meetings, he'd always have his eyes on me, glaring with all his might, and when I'd look his way? He'd look away.

But now, now he was showing it, without fear.

It was almost as if I had done something really wrong to offend him, almost as if I had taken something very important from him.

It couldn't be Fay, could it?

My frown deepened. "I honestly thought you were a good guy." I found myself saying. "You played the part really well."

Lucas scoffed, placing his hand on his chest like my words offended him. "I am a good guy, Elroy. It's just that, you have something I badly want and I'm the kind of guy who gets whatever he wants."

"Fay." I simply said.

"Correct." Lucas said. "You are not good for her, and you know it."

I furrowed my brows. What the hell is up with this guy? "I'm not good for her?"

"Of course. You're emotionally unstable. You hurt her without knowing it." He took a step closer. "Listen here Elroy, Fay Henderson means more than you can ever imagine, to me. She's like my oxygen. The only reason why I wake up to see the next day."

Okay? "That's my girlfriend you're talking about, Lucas." My tone thickened.

"I know that. But then again, she wasn't supposed to be your girlfriend. Did you have any idea about the kind of relationship we had together before you had to insert your goddam fingers into it." He snarled. "Why do you always have to take everything that-" He stopped himself immediately, then smiled.

Like an obsessed maniac.

"She's with you, I know that- everyone knows that. But what they don't know is that you treat her like crap."

"I don't."

"Of course you do. But I honestly don't mind, because you're helping me finish the job, because she thinks highly of me than her own boyfriend and no matter what, she comes running back to me for comfort. I see a future with her, it's very bright and very clear."

I fumed, feeling the rise of my temper from each words falling from his lips.

"Oh, I can make it blurry with just a snap of my finger. You're fired." I snapped at him.

He gave a small laugh at first, then gradually, he started laughing, full time, holding his stomach. "You're funny Elroy. You can't fire me." He said, sounding so sure of himself.

"Excuse me?" I asked.

He shook his head at me, pitifully. "How do you think Fay would react to the news?" He asked. "I mean, there has to be a concrete reason why you're firing me. What would you tell her?"

Dating Mr. CEOحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن