Chapter Eighteen, Stress Me Out

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Stan and Ford are going to me and Mabel's funeral today. Yeah, that's right. After looking for us for so long, my parents assumed that I killed Mabel and then myself, and now they were holding a funeral for us. It made me so sad and sick to my stomach when I tried to think what my parents must have been feeling, regret, shame, depression. It was all stressing me out so much. I wished we could turn back time, to the good old days... When our momma sang us to sleep, but now were stressed out.

"I never thought I'd see the day of our funeral Dipper" Mabel said to me as we sat on the stairs in the mystery shack, waiting for Stan to come and say goodbye to us. Him and Ford had already agreed not to say anything to our parents, and try to act like anyone else would, but it all mad me feel awful.

"Yeah well, there's no going back now Mabel, besides that's not the life we wanted. I know that may sound harsh but, honestly it's true, I'm not even trying to be mean about it" I said, Mabel nodded and hugged her legs. I felt this pang of guilt to match my sorrow, it was guilt of lying to my sister. I hadn't told her the truth about Bill, how Drake was fake and really Bill Cipher and how I was in love with him. I felt even more nauseous then I did before and considered maybe actually telling Mabel.

"This is all Bill's fault if he didn't bother you and make you go crazy we wouldn't be in this situation at all! I hope he rots in hell" Mabel spat, and that statement made any idea of me telling her about Bill completely disappear from my mind. I just shrugged and didn't say anything. Bill did bring me here and made the beginning of my trip a living nightmare but he's the only reason I haven't snapped yet.

I was completely exhausted - and not just from having sex with him - but because when he left I stayed up way to late. I was only my laptop looking at different pages about dream demons and learning about them. I typed in questions like "what are dream demons?" "What are their powers?" "What are their limits?" "what's behind there freaking eyepatches?!" Sadly, I didn't get any information about the last question which was the one I wanted answered the most. I had a strange feeling Bill wasn't being straight with me, no pun intended.

"Ok, so were off guys" Stan said looking rather upset, I guess I would look upset too if I was going to a funeral. He knew we were alive, but maybe that made it worse in a way.

"Bye. I guess we'll see you guys later" Mabel said waving at Ford and Stan, I waved too.

"Sorry you have to go through this" I said sadly, but Ford shrugged and they left, closing the door behind them. Mabel looked at me and ruffled my hair.

"You wanna have an anime day? I just started watching Haikyuu I think you would find Shoyo Hinata absolutely sexy, of course he's property of Tobio but, he's kind of your type" Mabel said, I shrugged.

"I don't know, I think I'm going to use my computer for a little bit, then after maybe I'll watch something with you" I said, Mabel smiled.

"Ok, just, if your surfing the web, don't read Dipper goes to Taco Bell," she began, standing up while she said it, "unless of course you want to throw up" she laughed and walked away. I ignored her fourth walls break and continued on my day, walking up to my room, turning on my laptop, going to google, looking at some demon websites. Nothing new here, "When you see demons in your dreams, this means that the unconscious mind that produces them is sending you many warnings. The demons represent people who are cruel and immoral, and will ruin your life."

Nothing on the stupid internet had answers for me, it was a bunch of bullshit-

The deep web.

The deep web was the only place I could think to find something about dream demons, human demon forms and Bill Cipher. I just had to be carefully because of how dangerous the deep web was. I already had tor installed on my computer because I felt like I might want to use it one day, and it looks like the day has come. I took a deep breath, before logging on and typing things in.

The first hyperlink that showed up led me to a website about demon summoning which wasn't what I wanted, so I went to the next result. More about demon summoning, then a 'how to' video on sacrificing. None of these were helping me, so I decided to take a different rout. I began to type. Bill Cipher, Human form.

The first hit was already spot on. It was a website about things the government were hiding from the world, things like aliens, magic, creatures beyond out reality. And as I scrolled down, there was a picture of Bill, in triangle form, from all those summers ago. I clicked on the link attached to it, to find a whole new page of things about Bill. Sightings, abilities... And even a section labeled as "human form" I clicked on it, and up came another window. A video started playing in the window.

The camera man was shaky, trying to focus the camera on something in the distance. Once the camera began to still, a clear image of Bill in his human form started to show up. His back was facing the camera, and he was floating, the camera man was muttering some words, but I couldn't understand them. Someone ran passed Bill, screaming in terror.

"Don't look him in the eyes!" They screamed, as the scratched away at there face like someone who had suddenly snapped. Bill raised his hands and the person rose from the ground, he tossed them in the direction of the man holding the camera.

"Don't be recording me, you won't like the outcome" Bill hissed as the screaming person hit the camera man and the camera fell to the ground and the footage ended. I took a deep breath, trying to understand what I had just seen, but the problems was there was no understanding it, it didn't make sense. Was that Bill? If so, when did someone take that video? Was it real or just a hoax? And what did that person say before her threw them? Don't looking into his eyes? They certainly used a plural there, eyes, meaning two. He must not have had his eye patch then. What was he hiding under that thing? And why from me? Did he have a secret evil plan? Was he going to try to end the world again? Did he use me?

"What cha looking at Dipper?!" Mabel scream as she launched herself into the room without warning. I slammed my laptop down so fast I feared I might have broken it.

"Uh, nothing I-"

"Dipper, c'mon. I've seen what you read, if it was porn I'm not going to judge you" Mabel said, sitting down beside me, her fingers dancing around the laptop as she attempted to open it. I held it shut.

"Dipper what the fuck?" She said, I looked at her.

"Don't. It wasn't porn. Just don't" I said, keeping my grip on the laptop.

"Dipper, what's gotten into you lately?! Your so secretive and I hate it. We used to be so close, why are you hiding things from me all of a sudden?" She asked, I felt like I was going to puke.

"I'm not 'hiding' things from you, I just don't want you looking at this. I have been acting as normal as possible-"

Ding ding.

That was the sound of my phone. The one Bill gave me. Me and Mabel both looked at each other and then launched off the bed to grab the phone. I almost had it but Mabel shoved me and punched me in the gut in order to get to it first. She looked at it, probably saw a text for Bill, and unlocked the phone. She looked at the screen in utter shock and confusion, like nothing was ever going to make sense to her again. She lowered the phone, and turned it to face me.

"This contact picture is of Drake, why is his name listed as Bill Cipher?" She asked. I had nothing to say. Suddenly, something from above snatched the phone out of Mabel's hand and Mabel jumped back, staring upwards to see none other then Bill floating over her, clutching the phone.

"You shouldn't have done that"


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