Chapter Twenty-Four, Remember Me.

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I had been in therapy for about a year and a half now. I had finished my first year at university - I was taking creative writing, I don't know why but something in me had told me that I should take it. I wasn't sure if it was just a dream, but, I felt like an old friend of mine had wanted to be a creative writer, and sadly never got to see the day where their work would be published.

I get that a lot lately, dreams I feel are real that aren't, may'haps they're memories from a past life I have lived, of memories I have forgotten about. The tales of a wedding that turned into flames, a dead girl who liked Pokémon, winning a stuffed bunny at an arcade, making out for long hours, thigh highs and bubble baths, long days I wish I could have made them last...

My therapist says there just dreams, and dreams mean next to nothing. My psychiatrist just gives me a new bottle of pills every week. My mom makes me pancakes, my dad drives me to school. Mabel eats lunch with me and then we take the bus home. I do my homework, turn in my stories. I get good grades and then I come back after august. Endless cycle.

I had figured out other things that don't involve school - I have figured out I will never date again because every time I try to be in a relationship with someone I feel guilt crash down on me like a fucking train driving over me and have to leave. As far as I know, I'm not in a relationship, so what gives?

I figured out I was part demon or something. I float in my sleep, have a rude, sadistic sense of everything and urge to kill people. I can make my eyes switch from normal to slit, I can make things appear out of no where and I can light my hand on fire from time to time. I haven't told anyone this, because it didn't feel like something you told other people. I would keep it under raps by being anti social and surrounding myself with anime and manga. Mabel made me get rid of my yaoi collection, even though she still has hers. She didn't really have a reason, just 'it might wreck everything'.

Knowledge was a luxury I couldn't afford anymore and ignorance was always on sale.

I was done school for the day, and for the year and had texted Mabel to see of she was going to be joining me for our bus ride home but she had plans with her friends. I only did one thing when Mabel had plans with her friends and I wasn't to proud of it. Mabel burning all my yaoi made me feel a bit empty on that end of things, so when she wasn't around I went to a gay strip club.

Not one of my finer choices, that's for sure. But it was one I made. It was a Friday, which meant there was going to be someone new performing. That fact that I knew that made me feel a bit upset, but I didn't care really. My life was an endless loop of find something to do before you go crazy, so I guess this was just one of those things.

I got on the bus and headed up to the club, I could hear the music already. I took a deep breath and walked in. I saw the spot lights, the stages, the sexy waiters... But I never really got extremely turned on by one of them. Like they were nice to look at, but, for some reason I always felt a weird string of guilt. Again, no idea why and no reason to go looking for answers I wasn't going to get. I took a seat at the bar, ordering a beer. The bartender recognized me, asked how I was, and took the cap off my bottle.

"Same old I guess - just finished my first year at college, looking forward to summer break" I said, the bartender nods and goes to talk but the announcer of the club cuts him off.

"And now, introducing, our newest recruit - all the way from the town of gravity falls - The 3 Sided Monster!" The announcer.. Well, announced. The crowd screamed and I looked up, curious. I hadn't been to gravity falls in a while, I wondered if I knew who this was. That would be horribly weird. The stage stayed empty, and the crowd was now looking curiously around, the announcer looked a little worried, perhaps Mr. Monster was not ready to go on stage. I turned back to my drink, taking a sip when someone approached me, their hot breath on my neck. They smelled strangely familiar.

"P-p-p" they began stuttering. I turned slightly, feeling very odd and saw their face. Blonde hair covering their one eye, longer eyelashes, tanned skin. The weirdo from the hospital?

"Pine Tree?"

Those words.

That name.

Only one person in the whole entire universe calls me that.

Bill Cipher.


Pof npsf dibqufst !

This is so short I apologize. The next chapter will be long, it's gonna wrap everything up in a nice little bow (tie)!

I made this phone case today look at it and cry because billdip

I made this phone case today look at it and cry because billdip

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