Chapter Seven, Killing.

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"Dipper! Me, Candy and Grenda are going to go to the mall! Do you want to come with us?" Mabel yelled from the bathroom where she was doing her make up and hair. I was in our room, sitting on my bed playing zelda on my 3DS. I didn't even want to touch my Pokémon cartridge because it made me think of Ezy, or, Billzy. And it also made me think of Bill, and you know what? Fuck Bill. I was mad. But going to the mall with Mabel might actually make me feel better, so I decided to go with her.

Mabel was in a good mood today, even with Candy and Grenda having boyfriends. The didn't invite their boyfriends to the mall with us today which seemed to assure Mabel that her friends were still her friends. Mabel went shopping for new sweaters while I caught up with Candy and Grenda.

Candy looked grown up - she had switched to more hipster like glasses and retired her old outfit for a new one - leggings and a green baggy shirt. Grenda had thinned out a bit and really built up her muscles. Really I wouldn't want to get on her bad side.

"So, Dipper, how was being back in California?" Candy asked me, I shrugged, looking at the floor as I did.

"Boring? Stupid? I didn't like it. All I wanted to do was come back here the whole time I was there" I explained, Candy laughed and looked at me.

"Gravity falls is hard to walk away from, especially after the summer we had" she said. I looked out the entrance of the clothing store we were in and saw someone leaning on the glass window. They were wearing a yellow hoodie with black jeans and black converse. They had a top hat floating a over their head, and as he turned to face me, and I saw his one yellow eye, I wanted to vomit.

Bill smirked and pointed at me, moving the top of his index finger back and forth, gesturing me to go over there. I clenched my fists and took a deep breathing, trying to relax.

"I'll be right back you guys, I have to use the bathroom" I said. Grenda and Candy said ok and that they would tell Mabel when she was out of the change room. I began to exit the store and walk past Bill. He smiled and started following me. He looked me up and down with a stupid smile on his face which made me uncomfortable.

"Damn Dipper," he said in an annoying voice, staring at my shoes. "Back at it again with the blue shoes" I rolled my eyes and shook my head at him as he laughed.

"Damn Bill, back at it again with the annoying and stupid jokes" I said. Bill laughed and grabbed my arm, swinging me around to the other side of him. We were on the top floor of the mall, the escalator near us, surrounded by a balcony and some fake plants.

"What do you want?" I asked, Bill smirked and looked across the balcony, scanning for something. I followed his sight to the back of a girls head. She was sitting on a bench, writing away... I wanted to throw up once I saw her Pokémon shirt.

Ezy. The real Ezy.

"I need you to prove your loyalty to me" Bill said, I swallowed hard.

"What? Threatening my family and everyone I know isn't enough for you?" I asked, Bill shook his head.

"Of course it's not" he floated in front of me and grabbed my shoulder, pointing at Ezy.

"Look at her, probably writing her latest gay romance," he said with a sigh. I started to get a really bad feeling in my gut and head.

"Go kill her" he whispered into my ear. I felt chills run all over me.

"Kill her?! She puked you out and laid in a puddle of her own blood yesterday just to wake up and be lost - why would I kill her?" I said, Bill laughed at me.

"Don't writers always have tragic lives?" He spoke. I crossed my arms but he wasn't having it, he flicked me in the nose.

"You really wanna disobey me kid? Don't test me Pine Tree, I'll kill them all" he threatened. I took a deep breath. I couldn't do this, I couldn't kill an innocent girl who got tricked by Bill, I feel like that might be how I might have ended if I ever made a deal with Bill again. Just waiting for someone to come and slice my throat. I took a deep breath and scratched my head, stuffing my hand under my hat.

"How do you want me to kill her?" I asked, Bill laughed and snapped his fingers, making a knife appear out of thin air.

"Do it where no one else will see it, succeed and I'll stop pestering you" he said, handing me the knife. I took a deep, shaky breath and walked over to the bench where Ezy sat perched on the edge, journal and pen in hand. I gulped, feeling Bill staring at me. I knew there was only one way to get out of this. I had to do it.

"Excuse me miss," I said, smiling at Ezy, she looked up from her book and her eyes looked different then they did the first time I talked to her. Bill really had done something awful to her. Ezy giggled and fluttered her eyes, showing off her long as ever eyelashes.

"Hey there, have we met before? I swear you look familiar" she smiled. I felt a sharp pain in my chest. She was innocent. And I had to kill her. I shrugged at her and smiled.

"Nah, but I'd like to be met, you wanna come with me, we can talk about it" I said, Ezy packed up her journal and took the bait. I hid the knife behind my back. I chatted Ezy up, so much so that she followed me all the way around the back to the garbage disposal where there was no one insight. I couldn't see Bill, but I could feel his eyes - or, eye - watching me.

"Oh dear, how did we get out here" Ezy laughed, I pulled the knife out from behind me and she spotted it right away. Am she froze, gasping, eyes darting from the blade to me.

"Look I'm really sorry Ezy," I said, approaching her. She didn't step back, just looked surprised.

"How did you know my name? What's going on here?" She said in a panic. Just as she turned around to run away, I grabbed her by her baggy shirt, turned her around, and slit her throat.

"Nice work Pine tree," I heard Bill laugh as I shook with fear, knife in hand, blood pouring out from Ezy's neck. "You have proved yourself to me, for now" he giggled away.

And I finally threw up.


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