Chapter Four, Welcoming.

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I decided to hold onto Ezy's card and maybe even take her up on her offer to talk. But I wouldn't tell Mabel, Mabel would want to come and I know she would be way to paranoid and just not behave mature enough. Mabel spent the whole walk to the muster shack talking about how Ezy was a nut job fishing for answers in a pond that had been condemned - I though Ezy wanted answers, which was exactly how I felt all those years ago. All I wanted was answers. Maybe Ezy knew things I didn't.

As we approached the mystery shack I laughed at it's condition. It hadn't changed a bit. The S was back in place though. The whole thing looked like it was a treasure berried away from the world and kept completely still while battling through the fight of time. When I got closer, a familiar face came into view but Mabel was the one who spotted it first.

"SOOS!" She screamed, almost tripping over her two feet as she ran over to Soos with her arms open and her mouth hanging open. Soos spotted us and his face lot up, Stan's old hat sitting in place on his head. I didn't realize it until after, but I started to run towards him as well, tears threatening to pour out of my eyes and stain my skin.

"Soos! Oh my god!" I yelled as I reach him and hugged him tightly along with Mabel, he hugged back and smiled.

"Oh my god dudes! I thought I would never see you again!" He said, hugging his tighter now. We both let go of each other and I took a moment to appreciate how Soos had grown. He had lost a little weight, but not a lot, his shirt was new and clean, with the same black question mark on the front. He had treaded in his old pants for new, more professional looking pants and even seemed a lot more mature the way he carried himself. But, all in all, he was the same Soos I knew from all those years ago, just slightly more grown up.

"How has it been? Since we left?" I asked, Mabel nodded as if agreeing to wanting to hear the answer to my question. Soos smiled and looked at the shack.

"It's been pretty great. I have been running the place and Stan come in sometimes to make sure I haven't burned down the place-" a small laugh "-business is great. What about you guys?" Soos asked, his tone happy and care free. The frowns that went on me and Mabel's face changed his expression as well.

"What happened?" He asked.

"Me and Mabel ran away, our parents wouldn't let us come back because Stan wasn't here. But it was a lie, they didn't want us coming back because they thought we made up all that stuff that happened. They wouldn't let us leave so we took matters into our own hands..." I explained, Mabel took a breath.

"They think Dipper killed me and then killed himself" Mabel added. Soos looked down at us both and shook his head.

"Oh my god you guys, that's horrible to hear," he said, we both nodded. "What was the turning point? Like, what made you decided to run away and come back?" Soos added to the end of his sentence. Me and Mabel looked at each other and I felt the wind blow against my face. I looked down at my arm and then at Soos.

"Can we talk inside? Is that ok?" I asked, Soos nodded and let us inside the mystery shack. The door closed behind us and everything on the inside looked the same, just more clean. Soos led us into the kitchen, where the old table had been replaced with a newer one, with new chairs and new light fixtures and appliances. It looked familiar yet new and it was nice. Soos sad us down at the table and I took a deep breath because I knew it was time for me to start talking.

"I saw Bill on my dream,"

"What?!" Before I could even begin to explain, Soos had cut me off. I shushed him, pulling up my sleeve and showing him my arm.

"I woke up in the kitchen with a knife in my hand and this on it's business end. It's starting to scare over... The possibility that I will forever have this on my arm is awful and terrifying. But, that's not the point. The point is I needed to talk to Stan and Ford and I knew they were going to be coming back here in a week or so, therefore I had to come here. If Bill is back it could mean the end of the world, again" I explained. Soos looked at me shocked, and I felt shocked to actually say that out loud to someone.

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