Chapter Nineteen, Figured Me Out.

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"Bill Cipher?! The dream demon?! The one who caused everyone so much trouble?!" Mabel yelled, Bill grabbed her by the hair and held her up, her feet off the ground. I jumped out of my bed and grabbed Bill's legs from his floating position in the middle of the room.

"Put her down!" I yelled, and Bill dropped her onto the floor with a loud thud. I rushed over to make sure she was ok, but she squirmed away from me.

"Don't touch me you fucking sicko! You slept with Bill fucking Cipher! How do you expect me to trust you?! Let alone let you touch me!" She yelled, I stopped and stared at her.

"Mabel, you have to give me a chance to explain-"

"Explained what huh? How you sacrificed our lives to go demon hunting and you found him and didn't tell anyone?! Instead you just fell in love with him?!" She yelled, Bill floated over to her and growled in her face.

"Of course he fell in love with me, I'm absolutely irresistible!" He said, Mabel scrambled to her feet.

"Get away from me!" She protested, Bill kept following her.

"Screw you" he spat back. I rushed in between them to spot any fight they were going to start.

"Stop it! Both of you!" I yelled, Mabel grabbed my arm and turned me towards her.

"Listen to me Dipper, can't you see Bill is bad news?! You can't trust him! I know you don't want to hear this but what if he's just using you to take over the world again?! What if he's lying to you?! What if he doesn't actually love you?!" Mabel yelled, I turned to Bill and he placed his feet onto the ground, shaking his head at me.

"Dipper don't listen to her, you know I love you" Bill promised, but I didn't know who to believe. I had spent the last couple of days thinking Bill was hiding something from me, what if he was? And Mabel could tell?

"I'm gonna kill you!" Bill screamed and tackled Mabel, Mabel screamed and tried to get away from him, I grabbed Bill from behind.

"Stop! You can't kill my sister!" I yelled, tears burst out of Bills eyes as he screamed nonsense and struggled against me.

"But she's going to tell! And then Ford will kill me and I won't be able to live with you for the rest of your life! I'll be gone! It'll be a tragedy!" I stopped struggling with Bill and he landed on the ground on his face, crying into the floor, he groaned in agony. Make that sobbing into the floor.

"Wait! I have an idea!" He said, sitting up as quickly as possible, tears still streaming down his face and his nose running from crying to much. Mabel was in shock and just sat on the floor, hands behind her back, palms holding her up. Bill snapped his fingers and made something appear. It was the memory eraser gun.

"What?! No!" I yelled, Bill pointed it at me and growled.

"There's no other way! She's going to tell!" He yelled, tears still exploding from his eyes. He was having a mental break down. I grabbed his shoulders and looked him right in the visible eye.

"Listen to me, stop. Your acting crazy. You can't erase my sisters memory, that gun is dangerous! I don't want her mind to become goop! So stop! Calm down! And-"

"Dipper shut up!" This was Mabel screaming, she was crying now too. "Your not in love with Bill! Your infatuated with him! Think about it, have you ever even communicated with him on a human level? Or had it all just been kissing and sex?! Think about it before you go and tell him that you love him" Mabel yelled, I looked at Bill, I looked at his covered eye, tears were pouring out of his eyepatch. It wasn't just a hole. He had lied to me.

"Take it off" I demanded, Bill stopped crying and looked at me.

"What?" He chocked out, I looked at him angrily.

"The eyepatch. Take it off" I said. Bill looked at me, scared, nervous, upset... He tossed the memory eraser gun in the opposite direction of the room and grabbed me by the waist, wrapping his arms around me and berrying his tear covered face into my shirt.

"No Dipper I can't do that" he said, I shoved him off of me and onto the ground where he balled his hands into the bottom hem of my shirt.

"Dipper don't make me do it, please," Bill pleaded.

"Your all that I have!" He yelled, I shoved him and grabbed him, trying to make it so he couldn't get away. He punched me in the gut and ran for the door but I punched him in the back. He turned around to me and cried as he rushed over to me, ready to attack. As soon as he came close, I kicked him right in the stomach. He went flying backwards and into the wall, Mabel got up and ran to her bed, screaming at me to kill Bill.

Bill sat up and looked at me, laughing, blood pouring out of his mouth and nose.

"Pain is hilarious, every punch and bruise from you is like a kiss or a hickey. Do it again Dip n' dots, please -" he said, spreading his arms out.

"Off me, I want to die. If I can't have you, I don't want to live" he spat, blood pouring out of his mouth. I must have kicked him really hard. He was a dream demon though, he could simply regenerate. But for some reason, he wasn't. Everything was in slow motion, I heard Mabel screaming at me to kill him, and I walked up to him, looking at him, I knelt down, staring at his face, watching blood pour onto his chin and shirt. He was smiling, but tears were still falling from his eyes, mixing with the blood from his nose and mouth. I looked at his visible eye, then at his eyepatch.

Should I take it off?


This is the important moment.

It's up to u guys to decided.

Should Dipper take off Bills eye patch? Or not?

The idea with the most comments wins! I will then continue writing the story from there! The ending is now in your hands!

What should Dipper do?!

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