Chapter 25, Sabatoage

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 Hailey’s POV

Matt explained his concerns about Courtney working on the same floor, that he and Andrew are checking with the finance department to see about paying someone for my protection detail. So I inquire,

“Matt, I really appreciate that the two of you  are watching  out  for me..”  I put my arms around His neck, Matt smiles down at me.  Leaning down, kissing me tenderly..

“You are my top priority slong with our unborn child. I would move heaven and earth for you to make you feel safe.” I couldn't help but smile, as our foreheads  touch.

“I know . Who were you guys thinking of doing this job?” Mstt acts like he's thinking, then he smiles.

“Yes, we do. it's someone you know. And trust.” He kisses my cheek, I narrow my eyes at him making Mstt smile.

‘’ Who is it?” I demand playfully at him,

“It's  Dana.” My eyes widen, I knew she has a lot of training in protection. And we get along well. I smile at him,

“That is the best news possible. And it's money for her. Plus the company is wonderful to work for.” Matt starts laughing,

“I'm glad that this makes you happy. Please  stay with her at all times. She will be able to protect you..” I slowly nod,

“I understand that and I trust her. Has she agreed to do that?” Matt furrows his brow,

“I know Andrew  is going to talk to her, that's why I came in to assist you. To give them some privacy to discuss things to see if she is up for it.” I nod, thinking more about what he is saying.

“It would be great if she will do that. It will look as two friends hanging out. It won't  look threatening. I know she's good at what she does.” We hear the knock on the door, Matt smiles.

“Hungry Baby? Pizza is here.” Matt takes my hand, we nead towards the living area. There was Andrew holding the pizza with a smile,

“Hope you guys are hungry?”  I couldn't help but smile,

“Yes, I am. And so is baby.” We all laugh, as we sit down ready to watch a movie. Andrew glances over to  Dana, who nods to him. Andrew then turns to me,

“Hailey, with Matt gone several days a week, and you being pregnant. With a hurt Courtney, we are concerned about your safety. i've spoken to Dana, with her training we believe that she can help protect you.” Dana smiles at me,

“I want to do this for the two of you and this little one. Keeping you safe is an honor.” I smile, as I take a bite of my pizza.

“When will Dana be able to start?” Andrew smiles, like he was expecting this question.

“She will be coming to the office in the morning with me. As soon as the fiancés come through and ready, she will start.” I frown slightly,

“I know that Hunter won't be a issue of us being together.” Matt shakes his head,

“But he also has dated Courtney. He could be playing both sides. In all honesty, my gut feels that Courtney will try to  play the staff against you. Trying to make her look the victim.” I chuckle, as I shake my head.

“Actually that doesn't surprise me that you're saying that.”  Matt side hugs me warmly, I give him a small smile.

“That's why the extra protection. i'll speak to your Uncle when we move down there for assistance. Please know that  I love you no matter what tricks your father or Courtney will pull.” We dug into the pizza to enjoy our time….

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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