Chapter 6, Honeymoon

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Hailey's POV

As Matt hangs up his call with my father, he looks at me sadly. I furrow my brow,

“What did he say to you?” I ask with curiosity, Matt clears his throat.

“He wants to talk to us. What he wants us to either break up, or annull the marriage  to stay engage for a year to marry.” I had to scoff at his words, I still had bruises on my back end.

“I don't want to end our relationship or marriage.”

 Matt nods sadly, he reaches out to hold me. I know I was trembling. We enjoyed the rest of the day, to boatf our flight was leaving this evening. We landed by midnight, we headed towards the hotel,  We slept until morning, with the room reserve for a few days,

Around noon, my phone rings. I look over at Matt, as I answer the call. I notice that it's my father.

“Hello Father.” I said sarcastically, father clears his throat.

“Hailey, we really need to talk. Come home.” Father demanded of me, I had to shake my head.

“I'll talk to you, but not at home. Why don't we meet at our favorite café. I want to meet on a neutral turf. it's the only way we'll have a civil conversation.” It was silent on the line,

“Alright, make sure you're there. Anna and I will be there shortly.” I had to smile inside hearing these words,

“Good. Matt and I will see you there. I won't be a lone. He knows how you and Anna treated me.”  We hung up, I glance up at Matt.

“I got him to agree to meet at our favorite café. That way no hitting can be involved.” Matt had to chuckle, grabs his keys as we head out.

“Darling, please know that I will fight for our marriage.” As we sit down in a private booth, waiting for them.

“And I will too. i've graduated from high school. i'll work. Can I take some classes?” Matt smiles, squeezing my hand.

“Sure. i'll have you as assistant to the co-CEO.” I frown in who I see coming towards us.   

Matt and I walk into the café, I squeeze his hand feeling very nervous inside of my heart. I see Carson and Anna in the distance, they hadn't seen us yet. The hostess greets us, Matt tells her who we were meeting, she escorts to Carson's table. Once we arrive to the table, they stood up to greet us.  We were friendly until we have to stand our ground. After we greeted each other, we sit down and order our food. While we wait, Carson clears his throat.

“Thank you two for coming to meet us. I appreciate it.” I take a small drink, before I say anything.

“Farher, please I hope you can understand that I love Matt,” Before he can answer, the waitress brings us our food. Anna speaks up,

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