Chapter 20, Baby

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Warning: Mention of abortion

Hailey's POV

I could feel Matt lifting me up from the tile floor, my back and stomach were in pain. Plus I was bleeding. During the ride, I learn that Courtney was in the back seat. I ignored her, trying to breath through the pain.

"Baby, hang in there..."

I kept saying this softly, Matt holds my hand trying to reassure me. I was trying to believe him. I was relieved when I saw the hospital. There were people there waiting for us, I guess Andrew called ahead. A doctor lifted me up, putting me on the stretcher. They wheel me into the ER, I glance around for Matt.

In the next few minutes, a nurse took my vitals, put a IV into me. The doctor examine my back and stomach.

"How did you get the bruise on your back?" I take a deep breath,

"A girl pushed me into a table, knocked the breath out of me. My baby?"

A nurse had an INSTRUMENT to hear the baby's heartbeat. Moments later, I hear a beating whooshing sound. I felt so relieved to hear it, I glance up seeing a tearful Matt. He looked relieved,

"Is the baby alright?" I ask fearfully and timidly, the doctor gives me a small smile,

"So far it looks good. Your baby's heartbeat is strong. Your bleeding may be caused from the jolt of hitting your back against the table. You're still very much pregnant. We're going to do a ultrasound to double check." I nod nervously,

"I want Matt to be with me when you do?" The doctor arches her brow,

"Who is he to you and the baby?" Dr. Smith inquires softly,

"Matt is the baby's father. And very important to me." I say emotionally, Dr. Smith nods empathically. Dr. Smith walks out of the room.

Matt's POV

I went to Hailey's room, but they wouldn't let me in. Yet I was able to hear the baby's heartbeat. I felt relieved, I was able to heat it. While waiting, I had to deal with Courtney trying to cling to me, I was frowning at her when I see Carson, Anna and Hunter approaching. I whisper in a hissing tone to Cortney,

"You called them?" Courtney gives me a coy smile,

"Yes, because Hunter may be the father as well. He told there was a night, they had been drinking, they got intimate. Plus her father needs to know." I yank my arm away from her,

"Don't touch me! If Hailey loses the baby, you'll regret it." I turn to greet Carson and Anna, Hunter nods towards me. I repeat the gester,

"Carson, Anna, sorry we're meeting under these circumstances." In a stern tone Carson askes,

"Matt, please tell me what is going on?" Matt clears his throat,

"Courtney pushed her into a table during a conversation. She's pregnant, she just found out today." Carson looks between me and Hunter,

"Which one of you knockrd up my daughter? I know she's been seeing both of you." I put my hands in my pockets, nervously I state.

"Carson sir, Hailey says it's mine. Said she conceived on our honeymoon. i'm very ready to marry her sir." I couldn't read Carson's expression, before he was able to respond Doctor came out to speak to us.

"Matt, is everyone here for Hailey?" I nod, making the introductions for everyone.

"Dr. Smith, what's going on with Hailey?" Dr. Smith clears her throat,

"Hailey has a good size bruise on her back, and she's dehydrated. I would like to keep her here for observation. She's actually around 6 weeks, futher along than what what the clinic says." I had to nod, that confirms to me that it happened during our time in Hawaii.

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