Chapter 4, Pain Part 2

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Warning: Physical abuse

Carson's POV

I see my daughter come out of the bathroom, she was the apple of my eye. I hated to do everything that I have to get Chance back home. But I need Hailey to humble herself by helping me get Chance back. I don't care if Caleb is the bio father of Chance, but I raised him. Therefore I am his father, not Caleb. I turn towards Hailey,

"Well, my dear sweet girl, I know Anna gave you the heads up. I want you to call Chance on your phone. You will use your full ability to convince him to come home." I can see fear in her eyes, I chuckle as I gently pat her causing her to flinch. I shake my head,

"I can't do this, father." Hailey boldly, but fearfully states, I grab her chin forcefully.

"You can and will do. Do you understand my dear?" I hand Hailey her phone, I made sure it was fully charged.

"Now sit down and get this over with. Chance. He needs to come home. No matter what this is his home." I see you are fearful. i'll be right here." Hailey looks down,

"I want to video chat with him." I had to chuckle, I had learned that teenagers could flip the camera. I can't afford for him to see me, so I disagreed with her.

No, i'm concern that you will flip the camera onto me. I don't want him to know that i'm in here. Understand?" Hailey slowly nods,

"Yes, I understand. What is it how you need me to convince him?" I chuckle, I sense that Hailey was trying to play dumb.

"Pull at his heart strings. Make him yearn to come home. Like how good it was here. Tell him how wrong you were to stir up this trouble." Hailey looks down looking very defeated,

"Yes, father. I really don't want to, but I will." Hailey tries to be brave, but I hear fear trembling in her voice.

"Now let's get started." Handing the phone over to Hailey, I watch her dial Chance's number, having it on speaker. After the third ring Chance finally answered,

"Hello Chance. How are you?" Hailey tries to sound cheerful,

"I'm good. Are you off punishment? You're calling from your phone, what's going on?" Chance asks in concern,

"No, but calling you is part of my punishment." Hailey started, but broke it off....

"What do you mean?" Chance chimes in, I see Hailey rub her forehead.

"Father desires me to humble myself, i'm wrong. I should of never voice things to Catlin. There wouldn't be so much trouble in the family." Chance chuckles softly,

"i'm actually glad that you did what you did. It has been wonderful getting to know family, that I was so denied. Don't worry about it. We're fine as far as i'm concerned." Hailey closes her eyes for a few moments, when she opens them I motioning for her to continue. So she finally spoke up,

"Chance, I really miss you. Will you be coming home?" Hailey softly says, No, i'm concern that you will flip the camera onto me. I don't want him to know that i'm in here. Understand?" Hailey slowly nods,

"Yes, I understand. What is it how you need me to convince him?" I chuckle, I sense that Hailey was trying to play dumb.

"Pull at his heart strings. Make him yearn to come home. Like how good it was here. Tell him how wrong you were to stir up this trouble." Hailey looks down looking very defeated,

"Yes, father. I really don't want to, but I will." Hailey tries to be brave, but I hear fear trembling in her voice.

"Now let's get started." Handing the phone over to Hailey, I watch her dial Chance's number, having it on speaker. After the third ring Chance finally answered,

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