Chapter 23, Grown Up

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Hailey's POV

After three days in the hospital, my little baby is staying strong despite what happened to it's sibling. Being stable, I was discharged. Dana went and packed some more atuff I would need. We told my father and Anna that I want to stay away from stairs. They didn't really like it, but accepted it. The next day was my court date.

****The Next Day****

I went with Matt to go in front of the judge. We sat on a bench outside the judge's chambers. After a few minutes, Grant shows up with his briefcase. He smiles at me, the biggest surprise  was that Uncle Caleb and Chase were here as well. I was so excited, I made the introductions. Matt had not met Uncle Caleb, they shook hands. I look at Uncle Caleb and Grant,

“Who is representing me today?” I ask sincerely, Uncle Caleb chuckles,

“i'm here as family. I figure You would have Matt, but I figure things would come to a head if he got wind of it. So far it seems he hasn't. After meeting the judge, you'll be on your own. But don't forget,  you still have family support. i'll even be the one to tell Carson  of your emaciation.” I nod with a smile,

“I hope he takes iy well.”

 Uncle Caleb smiles, as he gives me a hug. A lady comes out saying the Judge Scott was ready to have a discussion. All of us walk into a roomy office, Uncle Caleb, Chase, and Matt stayrd in the back furthest  from the  Judge's desk. He shakes my hand, then Grant's. Then he looks past us, then smiles.

“Caleb Morgan, it's been forever. Are you part of this case?” Uncle Caleb smirks,

“My son Chase and I are here as support family. i'm her Uncle.” Judge Scott smiles with a nod,

“It's just good  to see you again. Let's get started.” Grant clears his throat, and starts to lay out everything out. Judge Scott listens very carefully. After Grant says everything, Judge Scott turns to me.

“Hailey, I have a few questions for you. You're pregnant. Will your job, can you support you and your baby?” I give him s small smile, but I try to show confidence as I speak.

“I work right now at Brown Technology Industries as a PA for the CEOs. Matt is one of them. And he is the father of the baby. I will do further education in Technology.” Judge Scott nods, Then he asks his next question,

“Do you have a place to live, which is a requirement.” L swallow the lump in my throat, Matt walks up behind me.

“Your Honor, may I speak in Hailey's behalf. I’m Matt Brown, one of the CEO's at the company Hailey works at.  Plus we have dated for over a year, i'm the baby's father. After the emcipation, I want to be her husband. And I have a house.” Judge Scott nods, as he sits back in his chair. He entwines his fingers, as he speaks.

“Is this true, Hailey? I know and work with your father Carson for many years. I know he can be vicous and controling. So things said here weren't new. I remember the case with you, Chase.” I nod slowly,

“Yes  your Honor, it is.” After a few minutes, Judge Scott clears his throat.  Then he leans forward to speak,

“Hailey, i'm going to grant you the emaciation. I wish you the very best. Matt, take good care of this lady. Your father Carson  will not be happy about this. Yet I feel it's the correct move her.”

Judge Scott signs the documents I will need.  He gives me  an extra copy, as we leave the chambers. I look at Uncle Caleb and Chase,

“Do you think  you can have lunch with Matt and i?” Uncle Caleb pats ne on the shoulder,

“Sounds like a wonderful idea. How about Outback Steakhouse?” I smile and nod in agreement,

“Sounds wonderful. Let's go. Then I need to head to work.” The four of us get into our cars, we head towards the restraunt.  We get seated in a booth, ordering some great steak. We also  ordered a Blooming onion to much on as we talked. Then Chase's eyes widen,

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