Chapter 8, The Date

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Hailey's POV

I had to hold back my laughter, when I heard Hunter's words. I shake my head,

"We'll see, right now my heart belongs to someone else. Use wisdom and accept it." We come to our seats, it was nice here. i'll tell Matt about this place. The hostess hands us the menus,

"Your waiter will be here in a few minutes to take your orders. Thank you for coming."

She walks away, while we look over the menus. Barry and father order appetizers, which arrives quickly. Then the waiter took orders of our main course. I stayed quiet. Trying to secretly text Matt, I feel a hand on my thigh. I turn facing Hunter.

"What did I say? Again please don't touch me." Hunter chuckles, as he leans in whispering.

"I'm a patient man my dear. I want you by my side. i'm not going ro give up on you." I now chuckle at his words,

"You're going to be highly disappointed. i'm not going to be giving you a chsnce." Now Hunter was shaking his head,

"What can I do to make you see how good I am to you?" I look at him feeling a little dumbfounded at his ignorance,

"Being good to me has nothing to do with it. i'm not attracted to you in that way.. it's nothing personal."

Before responding, Hunter puts more appetizers on my plate. I was going to refuse, but I notice three sets of eyes on me. So I give a small smile to Hunter. I slowly eat the fried mushroom. Then Barry asks,

"Hailey, what do you want to do after you graduate?" I play with my food for a few moments before I answer his question.

"I want to do something with computer programming. I can hack pretty well." Barry furrows his brow,

"What about being an attorney?" I had to chuckle, because father and I have been down this road before.

"Being a attorney is not an interest of mine. That's the area for father, Chance and Charles interest, But i'm on a different path." I say sweetly, as I take a bite of mushroom. Then Hunter pipes in,

"i'm going to be a attorney. i'll be able to take care of you." I cock my head sideways at him, he looks at me confused.

"Take care of me? i'll be able to do that myself. Nice thought you could say." I cheerfully chime in, I could see that my father's face fall. Not sure what he was thinking, I stayed quiet.

"Hailey has always had an independent streak in her. I have tried a lot to convince her to go in that direction. I wasn't able to." Barry shakes his head,

"Good for you. There are a lot of teens that don't know what to do at this age. Maybe there could be a division, that you could use your skills." I shurg my shoulders,

"I want to use my hacking talent for good. To help in business or catch those who breaks the law." It was quiet at the table, then Anna speaks up.

"She wants to do good. But she can do that as a attorney."

I just shake my head, I quietly continue to eat the food, the waiter brought us. I wasn't going to get anywhere with those words, so I ask to be excused to the bathroom. I head towards the bathroom, I was tired of Hunter's hand on my thigh. I have to distance myself from him, when I enter in the stall I text Matt.

Hailey: Hey, handsome. I took a break from the meal.

Matt: How are you doing?

Hailey: I'm frustrated with all of them. There is a lot of pressure to become a attorney.

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