Chapter 58 - Hi Steve

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My breath turned to fog in the crisp night air pulling my jacket a little tighter around myself to block out the chilly wind. Sure immortality had its perks but fast healing didn't keep me from feeling the cold just from dying of hypothermia. The bright lights of the Avenger tower illuminated the busy streets of the city.

A sigh slipped from my lips as I rubbed the bridge of my nose trying to stifle the threatening headache. The tower was like a shiny beacon that said villains here we are. Yes Tony had top notch security but nothing was air tight and after so many attempts on Tony's life I had all but rung his neck after dubbing it Avengers towers inviting more danger into his life. It also made it harder for me to slip in and out undetected.

Harder but not impossible especially after I installed several protocols into Friday's software like the 'Tony is an idiot' protocol which would lock the tower down for a certain amount of time.

Staring up at the security camera located above the loading dock door I smiled at the click of the door unlocking giving the camera a salute as I quietly entered the tower.

"Welcome back Miss Jones. Mr. Rogers is in the infirmary. " The familiar voice of the resident Ai welcoming the Scottish accent filled the empty warehouse.

"Thank you Friday." My heart pounded so loudly I swear it echoed off the high ceiling. It had been months since I last stepped foot near the Avenger tower. Even here a few floors below the infirmary where Steve currently lay in a coma my shield mark tingled and burned slightly. Even in my drunken haze I had avoided close calls with the two of them afraid of getting too close and having the marks give me away.

It had taken me two days to get from New Orleans back to New York City. Every second felt like an eternity unable to sleep a wink hyper focused on the frayed bond that connected Steve and I afraid at any minute to feel the bond break. Bucky's bond had blared anxiety and fear reaching out. I had attempted to soothe his fears, masking my own fear of losing our mate.

Stealing a car I had driven to my closet storage container to grab cash and an id one very stifling plane ride later I was back in New York City.

Steve was in the infirmary even though it was nearly two in the morning the tower wasn't empty. Private security patrolled the halls, scientists and doctors working overnight in the private labs on the lower floors of the tower. Friday kept my image from being flagged on the cameras but I wouldn't exactly blend if I ran into someone in my ripped jeans and leather jacket.


"Yes Miss Jones."

"I need a costume change please."

"There are lockers through the door on your right that have extra lab coats."

Awesome. Ducking through the door I quickly stripped off my leather jacket donning a crisp white lab coat pulling my hair up into a tight bun. Now this was more like it. With my new costume it was easy to take the elevator to the infirmary. A few nurses mingled in the hallways but none gave me a second look as I made my way towards Steve's room. The infirmary was the latest in high tech medical equipment in the unfortunate case that one of the Avengers was injured.

Steve was hooked up to multiple machines monitoring his vitals fast asleep. I couldn't tear my eyes from his face, the bond between us strained burning like fire on my arm.

"Hi Steve."

*Don't Forget To Comment*

A/N: I'm going to try and publish a short one shot valentines story with our three love birds. Let me know if thats something you may like.

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