Chapter 17 - Girl Squad Assemble

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"Layla!" Bruce yelled barely able to catch her limp body before she hit the floor.

"What the hell Tony?!" Pepper screamed in horror as Bruce checked for a pulse on the pale woman laying on the floor.

Tony tried to calm his soulmate down as Clint argued with Natasha about whether or not to call SHIELD.

"Hey guys, how's it goin... Miss Layla?!" Everyone's head snapped towards the door. Peter stared wide eyed at the scene before him. His mentor and the heros he looked up to were standing over the limp body of his auntie Layla.

In the very instant Tony witnessed the face of horror and betrayal. Peter dashed towards Layla forcing Tony to grab him before he could get in Bruce's way. But Peter was stronger, breaking for Tony's only to fall into Bucky's. Up until now Layla's soulmates had been staring at their mate in shock. She was there right in front of them. They were going to have a chance to be complete.

"Let me go!" Peter yelled, thrashing around in Bucky's arms "What did you do to Miss Layla?"

"Pete, calm down. She is fine." Bucky groaned his metal arm whirling against the power this kid pissed. He was an assassin with a metal arm and super soldier serum but this skinny sixteen year old was giving him a run for his money. Peter started thrashing around again making Steve rush to his mates aid to try and calm the kid down.

Layla's eyes fluttered open as she groaned rubbing her hand across her "What happened? Please tell me no one kissed me."

With a cry Peter broke away from Bucky and Steve crashing into Layla with the force of a bullet train. Layla hugged Peter tightly and whispered over and over that she was fine.

"You're not fine." Layla deadpanned, the doc had really bad timing. "You of all people should see that passing out like that is not normal."

Layla huffed brushing off Bruce's worry "Nothing about me is normal Bruce. My entire life is a shit show."

"Hey language!"

"..." The entire room suddenly got very quiet

Tony knew that face, it was trouble. Layla's face shifted into a huge shit eating grin as she slowly turned to face her blonde mate "What did you say?"

Steve suddenly felt very intimidated under the look Layla was giving him. He glanced over to Buck for help but in the moment his mate abandoned him. "Well ah I said ah I said language" he muttered wanting to sink into the floor.

Layla's eyes widened causing Steve to step back nervously, but she did something unexpected, she laughed. A full body laugh that rang through the entire room, it was contagious and sweet that caused the corners of his mouth to switch upwards. She was perfect.

Suddenly she grew very serious, every hint of laughter vanished as Layla fixed the team with a long hard stare that would put Fury to shame "Tony, I came here on urgent matters which are better discussed in private. Come on..." Layla caught Tony by the scruff of his shirt dragging behind her past the stunned Avengers "...You too" She grabbed Peter too.

A strawberry blonde woman in a tight white pants suit hurried after the trio, her heels clicking after the polished marble floors "Wait! Where do you think you are going?!" Her evenly calm voice offered no room for disobedience. After all Pepper was a CEO of a multi billion dollar company and the soulmate of a genius man child.

Layla did not stop for a second sizing up the tall women "Somewhere private to discuss some sensitive matters."

Pepper exclaimed as she fell in step with Layla's long strides "I would appreciate it if you stop pulling my mate's arm from his socket."

"Your mate is Stark. Oh my god, how have I never met you before?" Layla laughed lightly "Stark why did you never introduce us?"

Tony squeaked as the two women stared at him "Layla meet Pepper Potts, Pepper meet Layla. There know you're introduced so please let me go."

"No way, Stark. The clock is ticking and I have some important matters involving you and the kid." Layla sang as she kept dragging him.

Pepper smiled sweetly at Layla as they walked. She was the perfect mate for the two super soldiers, strong, independent, sassy, and took shit from no one. "This way, Miss Jones we can talk in my office."

Layla flashed her own smile "That will be perfect Miss Potts. Please lead the way."

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A/N: I just image Layla, Pepper, Natasha and maybe Darcy (Jane's friend from Thor movies) would be a badass girl squad. 

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