Chapter 57 - Bucky Fears The Cycle

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That night Steve found himself wandering the park paths to clear his head, his old scars aching with the changing seasons. His nights had been plagued by feverish visions of a woman calling out to him, her hand reaching for him but as he went to grasp it she would disappear and he would wake up in a cold sweat. Tonight had been especially awful. The woman had appeared to him again but this time it was different: the hand that reached out to him dripped with blood. The high pitch scream rattled him so much he left the tower to get a breath of air in the park.

A long sigh drifted from Steve's lips as he sat to rest on a bench. The bustling nightlife of New York city still overwhelmed him with the flashing billboard ads and loud blaring of car horns. This world was much different then the 40's even Buck was more adjusted to the modern changes then he was. He often found himself praying that their third mate would somehow bridge the gap between him and this modern world.

This modernized world did have its advantages after his time in the ice Tony Stark introduced Steve to the perks of the internet, one being websites dedicated to helping people find their soulmates. Though it was a security risk to post a picture of his marks on the internet, Tony had Jarvis constantly scan through the pictures on the site in the chance his lost mate posted their marks. Though now it seemed like a waste, it had been years they had found Buck and yet their third was nowhere to be found.

The couple often shared their hopes and fears about their missing mate. As much as the bond allowed them to feel their emotions and strong physical sensations, the boys couldn't help but feel guilty for the pain they had been inflicting on their mate all these years.

Steve had been shot multiple times over the years; the man carried a small circle shield that barely protected his torso for heaven's sake. The Nazi, Hydra, heck even Buck had shot him under the control of Hydra. His body marred in the faded scars from bullet and blade. He knew what it felt like to be shot, to feel the wet warmth of your own blood soaking your clothes.

Bucky had been shot by an enemy sniper during the war then he had fallen and lost his arm. He had spent years undergoing brutal inhumane torture at the hands of Hydra. Steve could feel the guilt through their bond when they spoke about their missing mate. He couldn't help feeling the same guilt gnawing at his chest at the idea that all these years they could have been feeling the boy's pain.

The other thought the couple shared was if their soulmate had been born in the 40's and had lived their lives without them. Steve often imagined their mate growing old without them and had sworn to himself that even if their mate was old and bedridden he would spend every second he had with them making them feel loved and wanted for nothing. He didn't even need to ask to know that Buck felt the exact same way. After the boys had felt sharp head pain through their bond with their missing mate Steve had caught Buck awkwardly researching every possible cure for migraine imaginable the mini fridge in their shared room was now constantly stocked with gel confession. Steve guessed their missing piece may be female based on the attraction that both he and Buck felt towards females so the two had madly researched the female menstrual cycle and honestly the two would be more willing to face off against and army of Hydra henchmen then a woman on her period. Bucky had even asked Natasha if it was true that female cycles would sync up when living together. The look of horror on his face was enough to confirm that statement.

Steve was to lost in his own thoughts of Bucky furiously buying tampons to notice when a car came flying through the air followed by a hale of bullets tearing through the night sky.

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Sorry it took so long to post hope you all had a happy holiday😅

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