Chapter 32 - Wade Mother Fucking Wilson

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Wade Wilson was leaning against the side of a quinjet as I drove onto the airstrip. He didn't even wait for me to turn off the engine before sweeping me off the bike and into the air.

"Wade mother fucking Wilson put me down right now!" I yelped as Wade threw me into the air, easily catching me before dropping me back on my feet.

I rolled my eyes at his childish antics making Wade giggle hysterically as we embraced whispering into my ear "Vanessa misses you bunny. You know, girl time over cosmos."

I snorted a little as we pulled apart. "Maybe after this I'll whip up some cosmos and introduce my family to my mates." Maybe I'll finally be able to reunite my family.

Wade giggled smashing his gloved hands together "So where are we going sweet cheeks? London? Berlin?"


"Whoopi maple syrup and ice hockey!" he shrieked excitedly as I rolled my eyes pushing my bike into the quinjet.

"Yeah more like old cunty Nazi cults and assholes." It had just slipped out. Something about Wade Wilson brought out my more sassy thriller loving side. As I parked my bike between two boxes I didn't fail to notice the striking resemblance the plane had to another more popular one. "Wade where the fuck did you get an Avengers quinjet?"

I shot him a glare over my shoulder when he refused to respond. Even though I couldn't see his face under that mask he always wore I knew that the hate fucked ballface of his was smirking. Fuck you Wade! Fuck you! Looking like a ketchup exploded all over you.

As a mature woman I did the only thing I could. I flipped him off. "I will shoot you in the face I swear to god Wilson''

Wade laughed tossing me a bright pink duffle bag "I picked up some stuff just for you honey bunny."

My nose wrinkled slightly as I carefully opened the bag like a I defusing a bomb. Beneath the large bag of weed that I discreetly tucked away for later I pulled out several guns and knives. At the bottom of the bag was a pink face mask I snatched it from the duffle holding it up to Wade with a look of pure confusion "Wade what the fuck is this?"

Wade pulled up his mask revealing a shit eating grin plastered on his face "You like it? Its completely bulletproof and goes along with you style."

I couldn't stop looking between the mask and Wade "I'm immortal. Why the fuck would I need a bulletproof mask?!"

"In case you get shot in the head!"

Something came over me and like a woman possessed I grabbed the closest knife and threw it at Wade's head. Fucken merc.

Grabbing the weed and the mask I headed into the cockpit to prepare the quinjet for take off. It was gonna be a long ride if I didn't toss him out of the plane before we got there. 

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