Chapter 55 - The Bar

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The worst part of resurrection was the pain my body rarely healed completely before my soul was not so gently shoved back inside.

I didn't want to move, just lay there waiting for my legs and arms to snap straight, for the bones to mend, for the pain to disappear. The process was slow, muscle and bone slowly stitched back together till my limbs were as good as new. The witchy bitch and perv were nowhere to be seen. Taking my chance I crawled to my feet and walked out the front door.

The sun was starting to go down and the streets were packed with tourists drinking and dancing to the music filtering from the packed bars. Pushing my way through the crowd I made my way down the crowded street. I fucking hated the feeling of sweaty bodies bumping into me.

It was easy to pluck a baseball hat from a passing drunken man pulling it low over my eyes to block out the bright lights. I quickly grabbed a T-shirt off a sellers table, digging a fifty from Elijah's wallet, handing it to the woman I walked away without waiting for change.

Pushing my way into the closest bar I ducked into the bathroom snagging the open sink in the back I began to scrub the dried blood from my face pushing flashbacks away at the sight of the reddish water swirling in the drain. My ripped bloody shirt was quickly replaced with the clean black t-shirt giving me less of an 'I recently got mugged' more of an 'I am too sober to be here' look. My eyes are sunken with large dark bags showing the little sleep I had gotten in the last few months. I never paid too much mind to how I looked or just too drunk to care but even I had to admit I looked like I had been hit by a truck.

A long sigh pushed past my lips. Exhaustion was slowly creeping its way into my muscles. It had been days since I had last slept properly and no dying didn't count. All I wanted now was a double of some strong whiskey and a hot shower and a soft bed.

Elbowing my way out of the bathroom I pushed through the streets heading away from the thick crowds of tourists. Maybe I should steal a car and start driving back to New York. No, not tonight even an immortal needs to sleep once in a while.

A familiar bar sign caught my attention. There was nothing special on the outside but Elijah's memories had been full of this place. A bar where magic could not be used and lucky enough where dear Niklaus's mate happened to work. Neutral ground for the supernatural world. Also a perfect place to drink in peace without worry that the witch bitch would perform a tracking spell.

The bar was scattered with what I assumed were mainly vampires and witches lounging around tables. Managing to snag an empty seat at the bar I pulled a hundred out of Elijah's wallet sliding it forward.

Flashing a smile I spoke over the music "Double of your strongest whiskey please."

Camille O'Connell took the bill returning my smile with a warm one of her own "Coming right up."

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Immortal Bartender - Stucky x Oc Soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now