Chapter 9 - Peter Benjamin Parker

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When I opened my eyes with a groan, my vision filled with the desperate face of a familiar mop of curls. Peter's mask was gone, his puppy dog eyes were red and puffy from crying. The dark blue and red suit was covered in blood. My blood. My eyes slowly fell on the suspended figure of the pig hanging upside down from the fire escape above me clearly unconscious.

"Hey Pete." croaking out a whisper I reached out my blood stained hand to think of his hair. "What did I miss?"

For a minute the teen just stared at me before he practically crushed my sore body in a bone crunching hug. Damn that super strength.

The child's sobs broke my heart as he cried into my shoulder "Please don't leave me Miss Layla." No matter how many times I tell him to call me Layla he never stops with the Miss crap.

How could he think I would ever abandon him? I shut out all other thoughts swirling around in my head to focus on the sobbing child in front of me. Sitting there in the alley surrounded by the blood of my latest death I held Peter to my chest holding him as the sobs shook his thin body. Letting him cling to me as if I would just fade away.

"It's okay. We are okay. I'm not leaving you not ever." Whisper over and over again reassuring him that I wasn't going anywhere. I don't know how long we sat there in the middle of that abandoned street but after a while Peter calmed down but he still refused to release his tight hold. Instead of trying to pry the young boy off I simply wrapped my arms around the boy picking up his light body and walked home.

By the time we reached my apartment Peter was asleep cuddling into me. I lay him on the couch for the night snatching an old quilt out of the basket I had tucked under the coffee table. Luckily it was Friday so he wouldn't have school tomorrow and we could mend his torn and blood stained suit. The sight of the young man laying on my couch sleeping so peacefully made my heart clench painfully.

I had met May and Peter two years ago when they had moved in across the hall. Peter had been fourteen, energetic and happy. May and I had clicked instantly and I became a big sister figure to Peter. May was happy to have me around, she told me about her soulmates muder it made me happy to see Peter recovering so well after witnessing his uncle's death.

May had been admitted to the hospital a month ago, she had been suffering from horrible migraines so Jenna and I had taken her to see a doctor. The news was worse than we had thought. It was a cancerous brain tumor, surgery would be too risky. All they could do was try and treat the cancer getting it down to a manageable size. So May had entrusted me with looking after her nephew so she was bed ridden.

I silently pour myself a glass of whiskey dropping two ice cubes in as I stare at the picture I had set up on the kitchen island. There was an old picture of Victor, Logan, and me. And one of Peter, May, Jenna, Match, and I after Peter was rewarded with an internship to Stark industries. I don't know who Stark is trying to fool with that bullshit but it was a great opportunity for Peter. I sadly added the picture of Katy and I to the collection taking a giant gulp of the cold liquor as I looked at it. The memorial of my life, half the people there were gone. The only thing that ever stayed the same was me. Through every single moment of time I remained the same, never ageing.

"No! Uncle Ben! May! Miss, Layla! Please!" I rush into the living room as Peter thrashes around on the couch. I grab the struggling boy pulling him into my lap as he screams in his sleep.

"Shh Peter it's okay shh" my fingers glow a faint golden as I comb through his hair. Peter shudders for a minute before calming down, falling back into a deep peaceful sleep. Poor kid been through so much I can at least give him a good night's sleep.

The gold beneath my skin fades away like it was never there. So maybe I have a little more than just immortality. There is something inside me. A power buried deep down that I have only ever scratched the surface of and it scares me. 

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