Chapter 56 - Drink and a Smoke

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Drunk was an understatement. I am in fact hammered stumbling down the alley behind the bar. Leaning back against the cold wall I took another swig of whiskey from my bottle relishing in the spinning feeling. I probably look terrible, my long hair was tangled and matted. I am in desperate need of a shower but even that would not be enough. My exhaustion ran deeper than simply physical; my very soul felt worn; it had felt the cry of my mates. I could still remember the heat of Steve's face against my hand in that fleeting moment of contact my soul had sung with joy.

Camille O'Connell stepped out the back door for a breath of fresh air.

"Getting some fresh air?" My head snapped up at the sound of Camille's voice flashing the blonde a pained smile.

"Wishing I had a smoke right about now." I laughed lazily, examining Camille; I didn't need the Mikaelson boys' memories to see how genuinely kind Camille was. How cruel fate had been to her yet she remained so kind through it all. A genuinely good human.

Camille dug into her back pocket holding out a pack of cigarettes to me. I gently plucked one from the pack accepting the lighter that Camille held out.

"You know these things kill you right." I joked taking a long drag off the cigarette blowing the smoke up into the dark night.

"I won't tell if you don't." Camille shot back smiling lighting her own cigarette

"I'll drink to that." I raised my bottle only to find it empty. Damn when did I finish that.

We fell into a nice silence enjoying the night smoking in peace when someone kicked the bar door so hard it snapped from its hinges smashing against the opposite wall. What the fuck?!

Camille stumbled back as three men stepped out the broken doorway leering at us.

"Look what we have here, boys, Klaus's little pet all alone. What do you say to a little late night snack" The leader flashed his sharp teeth at us, his eyes turning black.

Oh come on I just want one night to drink without a fucking disturbance.

Camille grabbed my hand trying to run towards the street but one of the vamps sped forwards blocking our exit.

Camille pushed me behind her "You really don't want to do this buddy. Trust me you can't begin to imagine the things he will do to you if you lay a finger on either of us."

This might just be the alcohol talking but is she honestly shielding me right now. Like what the hell is going through this woman's head she's a human against three vampires.

The vampires laughed closing in around us "He's not here now is he?" The vampire lounges for Camille but I move first grabbing Camille and pulling her back out of reach of the vampire.

I lazily took another drag from my cigarette, flicking the burned ash from the tip "Look bub I've had a long day and all I want to do is have a drink and a smoke in peace. So whatever the fuck you are I suggest you and your buddies move right along eh."

Camille gasped as the vampires lounged at us. I punched the first one snapping the wrist of the second as he lounged for Camille kicking him away. The third guy grabbed me, throwing me across the alley like a rag doll.

Stumbling back to my feet I smashed the bottle against the wall using the broken neck to slash open the throat of the closest vampire. Blood gushed from the wound. "Come on asshole, I'm not dead yet!" I didn't give him an opportunity to recover, snapping his neck like a twig.

The other two surged forward together. I quickly dispatched the first snapping his neck as Camille stepped forward driving a pencil into the vampire's eye.

"How the actual hell did you just do that?!" Camille cried waving at the mess of bodies strewed around us.

"Uh I did pilates once ouch" I stumbled my hand shooting up to my side as a pain stabbed through my abdomen. What the fuck?

"You okay you didn't get hurt did you?"

I felt my abdomen for any wounds but there was nothing, just a stabbing pain. "No I'm fine, just a cramp I think." As reassuring as I'd like to sound I don't get fucking cramps perks of super healing.

Another sharp pain lanced through my body this time in my left thigh forcing me to bite back another hiss of pain. With each ache of pain my frayed bond with Steve flared.

Oh god! Reality hit me like a cold bucket of water instantly sobering me up. The pain I felt was echo of Steve's injuries. Steve's in trouble.

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