Chapter 16 - Hey Doll

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Previously: Stark gave me a knowing look as I nervously pulled on the sleeve of my jacket trying to scope the most accessible escape route but we were in a fucken elevator "They are going to love you Layla."

I honestly debated ringing his neck as the elevator doors opened and I got barreled into...

"Clint! Get off her!" I could hear Stark yelling as I tried to shove the body off me. The man 'Clint' scrambled back out of the elevator putting space between us to allow me a minute to get up. I sized Clint up as he stared at me as if in shock, he was lean and muscular with spiky brown hair and a clean cut jaw that tensed as he anayalized me. I inwardly rolled my eyes as his face morphed into realization then anger.

"Stark..." Clint hissed his hand tucking behind his back where he most likely had a weapon "...Step away from her. Friday call for backup, there is a threat in the living room"

I stepped protectively in front of Stark shielding him from any incoming attack as my eyebrow rose questionably at the man. Silently dared him to attack, to make any move to threaten me further and give me the excuse to take him down.

Stark tried to shove me out of the way, howling over my shoulder "Stand down bird brain! Layla, down gurl! Friday, defy that order!"

"Sorry boss, the team has been informed of a threat."

Threat? Excuse me?! "Come on!" Stark suddenly grabbed the back of my jacket pulling my ass back into the elevator, the doors sliding shut.

"What the fuck Layla?!" Stark started shouting as we descended "You can't come here and pick a fight with everyone. I told you SHIELD is on to you and you just stroll in the front door."

As he yells I leaned back against the cold walls of the elevator trying to calm my fast beating heart as my left arm continued to burn.

The doors opened revealing the lab I visit every year. Bruce looked up from a monitor as we walked in. I gave him a quick nod, settling into a spinning chair at Stark's workbench. As Bruce came to sit across from me Stark pulled up a chair beside me reaching under the bench to grab a bottle and three glasses.

Drink in hand I sat in a comfortably awkward silence casually sipping the sweet liquid not really wanting to acknowledge everything going on.

The warm cinnamon Brucie bear broke the silence murmuring under his breath "Derek and Pete are going fine if you were wondering."

I corked an eye brow in confusion "Who?"

"The two security guards you beat you beat up."

Oh yeah! "My bad."

Before Bruce could voice any of the confusion that was written all over his face Friday cut him off "Boss, the team is requesting access."

The itch turned to pain increasing until it felt as if my arm was being torn from my shoulder.

"Fuck!" A cry of pain slipped from my lips as the glass fell from my hand shattering on the floor. My body spasmed as pain emanated from my arm shooting through my body to my heart, my soul cried out in pain from the closeness of its mates. Bruce appeared in my view as they lowered me to the floor and my body began convulsing with each wave of pain. The two of them started arguing as the pain continued to rise.

"What the hell is happening?"

"It's her mates!"

"I've never seen this happen before!"

"She's over two hundred years old. Her bonds need to be made; the universe is forcing them to meet."

"What the hell do we do?!"

Another wave of pain hits me causing me to growl in pain and anger. I grabbed the Doc by the front of his coat, yanking him within an inch of my face.

"STOP ARGUING AND DO NOT OPEN THAT FUCKING DOOR!" I screamed directly into his face. Shoving the stabbing pain deep down I staggered to my feet. Mother fucker that's never happened before. Ripping off my jacket I tore through the bandage revealing my two marks, both were pulsing gold. What the fuck?!

Stark gently prods the skin around the marks "I don't think that's suppose to happen."

"No shit!" growling I slapped his pokey hands "The universe is going to have to suck it up because I will not make the bond with them,"

Bruce sighed wiping his glasses again "Layla, you need to form the bond. The soulmate bond is usually made by forty at most, your bonds have gone unmade for over two hundred years, you can't just keep running from your problems forever." Ever the scientist and peace keeper.

"Please give us the chance." the sound of the voice behind me sent a warm tingle down my spine like cold bourbon. They were all there huddled in the doorway. Pepper stood with her arms across her chest glaring down at the three of us.

Stark was only able to mumble out a "Hi honey." before a huge wave of pain hit and everything went black. 

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