Chapter 14 - Nothing Makes Sense

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Avengers Tower:

Tony poured himself his sixth cup of coffee as Friday played the morning news on the large flat screen in the team's living room. It was nothing unusual, the news anchor ran the usual celebrity scandals and then changed playing a cellphone video that drew his attention...

"And in other news an ongoing investigation in the cause of the fire that burned the Nightingale bar to the ground last night leaving three injured and two in critical condition. The fire escalated after an explosion caused the roof to collapse inward. Thankfully two of the bar's employees, soulmates Jenna and Ronald Harrison were found severely injured in the alley outside and they were quickly transported to the nearest hospital. Officials ask if anyone has any information that they call the number below." A string of numbers ran across the bottom of the screen before it switched to the weather for the week.

"Shit! Friday call contact Old Hag" Tony ran down the stairs two at a time not having the patience to wait for the elevator.

"Sorry Boss the number has been disconnected." Shit! Yes, Tony knew that Layla could take care of herself but after what he had seen yesterday he had a right to be nervous. In the entire time he had known Layla he had never seen her so scared before. Stark has spent the night trying to get Peter to go to sleep and then dove into researching the man who had attacked them. The only things he had been able to find were scattered government records of Victor Howlett, a man who had served in the army during WW2 then again during the Vietnam war. No birth certificate or any other proof that this man existed before the army. Nothing seemed to make sense, Layla had entrusted Peter to him saying she had to take care of old family business. Victor had called her sister but there were no sibling similarities between the two and Layla had never mentioned having a brother. Tony had always thought that he knew his friend better than most but he now saw that there were things she kept even from him. This new revelation came with a new wave of fear about what other things had she been keeping from him.

Tony burst through the doors of his lab, his face red and sweaty, his breath uneven from running. Bruce's head shot up from the pile of papers he had been looking over his eyes widening at Tony's sudden and disheveled appearance.

"Stark? What are you...?" Bruce wasn't able to finish his sentence before Tony cut him off.

"Bruce, tell me you have seen the news." Tony pants causing Bruce's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, he was way too tired for this. The scientist shook his head slowly, removing his glasses to wipe the already spotless lens. Friday replayed the morning news showing the explosion at the Nightingale.

Bruce opened and closed his mouth a few times, not being able to find the right words to say "That's not good." was all he could muster.

Tony on the other hand was freaking out "I tried to call Layla but the number is discounted. How am I supposed to tell the kid she's missing? What if SHIELD got her? What if that Victor guy has her? She could be trapped somewhere and need our help." Panicking an understatement Tony's head was spinning and he was beginning to get the urge to drink. Layla had been a role model to him when his father had been distant after they had reconnected and she had moved to New York Tony had been afraid that she would leave again and this time he would never see her again. This wasn't something they could take to the team; it was up to the two of them to find her.

"Boss I think you need to see this." Friday pulled up the live footage of the downstairs main lobby. A slender figure in leather had one of his security guards in an arm hold and another lay still on the floor. They seemed to be having an argument with the front desk receptionist.

Bruce adjusted his glasses as the two of them squinted at the video muttering quietly to himself "That hair looks familiar. You don't think that's?"

Tony took a closer look as the security guard tried to pull away but the figure kicked the back of his knee sending him sprawling as they turned to the camera for a second allowing Friday to zoom in on the face. "I think you're right. But what is she doing?"

"There is no mistake its her. It's Layla!"

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