Chapter 47 Dream vs Reality

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Sorry for the wait more chapters will be coming soon promise

Have you ever had a dream? The same dream over and over. It lurked around every corner teasing him from the shadows.

A figure who haunted his dreaming and waking world, its face obscure in shadows. A feminine hand that reached out to him through the fog calling for him to take it.

I will always protect you kid that phrase echoed in his head causing a sharp pain, visions of blood pooling in his hands, someone yelling his name. It was becoming hard to distinguish between a dream or reality, maybe he was going crazy.

"You okay kid?" Layla Jones' sudden appearance startled Peter. His neighbor was surprisingly sober, a joint dangling between her lips two large garbage bags slung over her shoulder.

Peter Parker's head snaps up at the sound of his neighbor's voice surprised by her sudden appearance "Uh Miss Layla... Hi." he stuttered, normally people are not able to sneak up on him with his spider sense.

Peter barely knew her, hell woman was wasted a hundred percent of the time. His thoughts manifested a Steve Rogers impression, arms crossed sternly warning him about language. Peter was so lost in the rabbit hole of imaginary Steve Rogers giving him the look of disappointment he jumped when Layla snapped her fingers in front of his face.

"Earth to Peter! Kid, do you read me?" Layla scanned Peter taking a long drag from her joint blowing the smoke up into the New York City sky. She knew the sign kid was exhausted and was probably close to collapsing, too many late nights and early mornings.

"Yeah sorry Miss Layla." Peter mumbled restlessly picking at his sweatshirt sleeve.

Layla shot him a worn smile that didn't quite reach her eyes turning away to throw the bags into the trash bins lined up on the side of their building. The bags caused a sharp sound of glass when they hit the back making Layla wince at the sharp noise of glass breaking.

"You look tired kid, you sleep more."

Kid, the woman from his dream called him that. That word burned in Peter's mind scratching at something that was just out of his reach. Memories shrouded in a fog, a woman's hand reaching out towards him.

Layla fought against every cell in her body not to reach out and draw Peter into her embrace. The child was in pain of her own making. She had sealed away his memory of her not thinking of the suffering that it would cause him. Peter had died, his soul had crossed into another realm but she had ripped it back shoving it back into an empty husk.

Peter had experienced things only few before had, his memory was hidden in fog but his soul remembered. It remembers the one who had held it, it remembers the one who carried it back from the other side, it clawed at the fog slowly freeing itself. Soon, soon the mind and soul would reunite.

"Say hi to your aunt for me." With that she walked back into the apartment building leaving Peter sitting alone on the steps lost in his thoughts.

Layla closed the door of her apartment leaning against it breathing slowly to calm her racing heart. She sensed the hold on Peter's memories slipping; without her interference he would remember everything. Her existence, her failure, his own death.

She was so lost in her own mind that she didn't react in time. A hand suddenly closed around her throat lifting her into the air. Layla flailed her eyes snapping open to look into Elijah Mickaelson's black ones.

"Fucking bitch!" is all she managed to choke out before her neck snapped with a sickening crack. 

*Dont Forget To Leave a comment and let me know how you like the story so far :)*

Immortal Bartender - Stucky x Oc Soulmate AUOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora