Chapter 11 - Does Insurance Cover Super Villain's?

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Victor smiled, cracking his neck as the two of us started each other down the silent challenge passing between.

"You can't just take me Victor. It doesn't work like that and we both know I'll never go willingly." hissing I carefully loading the gun as the gears in my head form a plan of action.

Victor just smiles as if I have presented some sort of dare "You can't argue if you're dead. Sorry sis but I guess I'll just have to kill you."

"Enough talking!" In an instant the place exploded into chaos. Victor bounded towards us, with one hand I grabbed Stark, jerking him across the bar as the other drew my gun unloading the clip into Victor. The bullets only slowed him down allowing me time to leap over the bar tackling him into the table. I went down swing as the wooden tables splintered around us. But Victor recovered fast using his strength to knock me off as his body healed from the bullets, not good. In terms of strength and speed I am on par with Victor but unlike him I have no external weapons and his claws are deadly.

Victor growls like a feral animal attempting to slash my throat open with a swipe of his nails forcing me to jump back to avoid getting killed. Grabbing the closest bar stool I swing it like a bat shattering it against Victor as his catapults through the wall and into the alley causing it to collapse on top of him.

I quickly dive back over the bar for more ammo only to almost land on Stark. Fuck! Roughly grabbing Stark I shove him in front of me towards the door as I grab three more clips and reload my gun.

I catch sight of the bricks shifting behind us as we barrel through the doors and out into the main street crowded with civians.

Stark slows looking for direction but I don't give him a chance dragging him back into a run as we tear off into the crowd.

"Run Stark! Fucking run!" I yell as the screaming starts. People flee as black vans converge towards us with very big guns on top. SHIELD! Someone called fucken SHIELD, great just fucking great!

Victor bounds towards us using his strength to propel him forward like a cheetah. Twisting my body mid step I fire several more shots into him making him swerve to avoid them but loses speed in the process.

My marks begin to burn as people in funny suits start appearing around us as Stark and I run into Central park. I honestly don't think this day could get any worse.

"Miss Layla?!" Oh hell no! Peter swings down beside us in full Spiderman gear as I skid to a halt preparing to give him a tongue lashing.

Unfortunately I don't get much of a chance as Victor appears tackling me down a hill. His claws tore through my skins like butter ruining my favorite coat with blood. My gun flies from my hand as Victor roughly bends my wrist until the bones snap making me hiss in pain.

Victor's sadistic nature starts to show as he claws at any exposed point he can find as we exchange blows. But we were both skilled fighters with centuries under our belts, unfortunately for Victor though I knew the area. Kicking Victor off me and into a tree I take off running again towards a spot more populated with trees.

As soon as Victor was close enough I turned the tables, kicking off a tree doing a backflip in mid air landing behind him. Before he could react I jumped on his shoulders wrapping my legs around his neck the gold energy laced through my veins as I summoned it to the surface pressing my hands against his skull. Victor started stumbling as I telepathically pushed sleep directly into his mind. A small power of mine was telepathic ability, I could manipulate emotion making people tired, angry, or happy. I would use it on Peter when he had nightmares but never really used it as a defense. Victor hit the ground hard fortunately I rolled off in time. I broke his neck before he could shake free from the influence. Broken necks took longer to heal than bullet wounds.

"I would say it was nice to see you Victor but it really wasn't." grumbling I drag myself back towards where Tony, Peter and I had been separated. My damn buzz had worn off from all the bad news bombarding me. I didn't make it far before I heard the whirl of the machine and Tony landed in front of me with Peter sticking to his back. I couldn't help but smile at the ridiculous sight the two of them were. "Coulda used that suit early but I'll survive." Neither of them smiled. 

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A/N: I'm back. Sorry for the wait, if any of you also follow my Castlevania fic I will be updating that soon as well as continuing this one. Feel free to comment storyline ideas or just general thoughts I love reading them and I'm always up to chat. 

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