Chapter 48 - I'm to Old for this Shit

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The kick back to life sucks. That first breath tearing into me felt like a hundred knives shredding me apart from the inside out. My body convulsed toppling off the couch where I had laid.

"Holy shit! Fucking damn it!" I gurgled pain racking through my body as my bones snapped back into place slowly mending. A broken neck was one of my top ten worst deaths in between blowing up and getting disassembled. Every bone slowly stitches itself back together and it always leaves me with a stiff neck.

The pain slowly fades as the last bone snaps back into place.

"I was wondering when you were going to grace us with your presence Miss Jones." Elijah Mikaelson lounged on the couch across me drinking from a woman's wrist. Blood rolled down her wrist staining her blue flight attendant uniform. Her eyes were haunting, glazed over and empty staring off into space.

"What are you doing to her?." I really am not in the mood for this crap.

Elijah smiles showing off his bloodied fangs "A simple compulsion to keep her silent and compliant."

"Release her." My body cracked and popped as I stumbled into a standing position twisting my neck to relieve the stiffness. I'm getting too old for this shit. "A pencil to the heart did not work so maybe this time I will rip off your arms and use them to beat you into a bloody pulp."

"There is no need for violence Miss Jones." Elijah flourished the handkerchief from his breast pocket delicately dabbing the drops of blood on the corners of his mouth. He stared deeply into her eyes "As you were."

Without Elijah holding her up the woman's body could no longer support her and she fell. I darted forward to catch her even as my aching bones protested the sudden movement. Cradling her in my arms I listened as her heart slowed. The poor woman had lost far too much blood. She whimpered, struggling weakly in my arms as I carefully took her hand in mine, giving it a gentle squeeze.

"I'm so sorry. You didn't deserve to have it end like this. " I whispered while listening as the thumping of heart grew quieter before her body went limp in my arms and she was gone. "Do not fear the light child in it, you will find peace." Gently laying her body on the floor reaching out to close her eyes.

All of a sudden I was reaching out to close Claire's dead eyes, then Katy's. All the people I had killed laid before me, the woman joined the sea crying out in sorrow. My eyes slammed shut, my hands clenched my nails digging into my palms in an attempt to rid myself of the vision of death that plagued my mind. Breath, one, two, three, four. At ten I opened my eyes again, thankfully the vision had passed for now.

"I would have never taken you to be someone to shy away at the sight of blood Miss Jones." Elijah stared down at me completely relaxed, unshaken by what he had done.

"Zip it you leech!" Snarling I got right into Elijah's face "You have just ended the life of a innocent woman show some fucking remorse."

The bastard just smirks "I would not have had to feed had you not been so stubborn when asked to come with me, if anything her death was your fault. And Layla, be grateful I do not remove your fingers one by one and feed them to you like sausages for your insolence. I made a promise to protect you, don't make me regret it."

Without thinking I lashed out punching Elijah hard in the face blood dripped from his nose ruining his crisp white shirt. "You fucking killed and kidnapped me asshole remember that! I might not know what kills you yet dick but I can and will make you suffer in ways you can't possibly imagine. Get it, got it, good. Now there better be booze on this god forsaken plane or I will throw myself out the bloody door and take my chances with the fall."

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