Chapter 46 - Punk Ass Bitch

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 "Don't test me vampy" I snarl giving his hair a sharp warning tug. I really didn't want to fight but then again I kinda did, I had a lot of pent up energy to expel. It has been a while since I got to go all out on something, my full strength tends to pulverize humans insides. An original vampire might make an interesting opponent.

Elijah grabs my wrist to keep the pencil from piercing his eye, a snicker creeping across his face "I am afraid you would never succeed against me you may be good but I am better. Now I suggest you do as I say Layla, I will not ask again."

It was my turn to snicker at the ridiculous ego of this fucker "Honey, if anyone remembered me they would tell you that I really don't like being told what to do especially by some punk ass bitch in a suit."

Elijah grabs my throat, reversing our positions as he shove me into the wall flashing his fangs with a hiss.

"You shouldn't hiss so much it makes you sound like a deflating balloon." I croak as Elijah tightens his grip, cutting off my airway. Punk ass bitch, so violent maybe we did know each other.

Black spots began to creep into my vision as I desperately gasped for what little air I could, wait a second, I have superhuman strength. Grabbing Elijah's wrist I peel his hand from my throat whipping my head forward headbutting Elijah hard in the face. Take that bitch. Elijah suddenly surged forward grabbing my shirt flinging my body across the room like I weighed nothing. I tried to twist myself to land on my feet but I face planted into my coffee table. Wood splintered around me as the yard sale table broke under my weight.

"Asshole!" I growl, ripping a large splinter from my cheek allowing the wound to heal over "I actually liked that table so I'll add that to the list of sins I carve into your liver before I toss you from my window. Number one being you ruined my buzz."

Elijah sped towards me throwing a punch but I blocked his punch countering with one of my own. A full strength punch connects with Elijah's jaw snapping his head to the side, blood begins streaming down his chin. Suck my nonexistent dick bitch.

Whipping out a white handkerchief Elijah dabbed the blood from his chin. Looking disgusted at the now stained cloth tossing it away as if the sight of it was poisonous.

"Mark my words carefully, Layla, you will remember even if I must beat the memories back into you."

Ooo I'm so scared.

I couldn't help myself. The huge shitty grin that spread across my face is probably disturbing "Kinky." Yes I may be an immortal unkillable being on the outside but I'm a dirty minded child on the inside. "All talk and no action Mr. I'm here to help but really I'm actually just a table breaking dick. You know what that's too long might as well call you kitty cause you sure do hiss like one." I guess it's not possible for vampires to have smoke come from their ears cause if it was Elijah would probably have combusted by now. What can I say, pissing off other immortal beings is my superpower.

"You really are as insufferable as always." Elijah snarled, flashing his fangs black veins crawl into his eyes absorbing them in murky blackness. I let my own power out as my veins alight in a golden glow crawling up my face turning my irises bright golden. Lit up like a damn Christmas tree as Stark had once called it. Come on big boy.

He is faster now, nearly a blur as he speeds towards me crowding my space throwing punch after punch. Hits slam into my stomach, ribs, beating against my arms as I try to protect my head from his powerful punches. I quickly went on the defensive blocking blow after blow landing my own jabs in the small openings left behind after a swing.

My opportunity came in a particular hard punch to the face side stepping the swing. I appeared behind Elijah wrapping my arms around his waist and performing what can only be described as a perfect german suplex. What can I say, the kid liked to mock wrestle.

Snatching the pencil from the floor I pounce driving the NO.2 deep into his black eye. Elijah howled in pain as I ripped the pencil out quickly plunging it into his heart.

"I should have warned you, I always keep my word bitch."

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Immortal Bartender - Stucky x Oc Soulmate AUDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora