Chapter 48

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a/n: Hey guys, so I finally had the energy to edit this tonight. I hope you all like it! Also, just a little announcement, I know the book his 100k reads, that's fucking awesome, and I will be doing a Q&A for it and making an official announcement, but I figured because it's almost over I'd save it for the end of the book. Also, just a heads up, the book is ending in 2 chapters. I'm absolutely psyched about that, but I'll save my excitement for when it happens. Additionally, if you guys want to do something to celebrate the first book ending and have any ideas, let me know. I was also thinking I could maybe take requests for a couple of one-shots or something if that's something people would want just to bridge the gap between the first and second book. 

It was two weeks into May and Kayden was realizing that he had severely underestimated the amount of extra work he'd have to do in the last month of school. He had fallen behind almost immediately after they got back from the trip, and now here he was, sitting on his bed surrounded by a pile of textbooks and loose papers. He had two assignments for Science, an essay for History, a book report for English, some kind of analysis for Philosophy, and a list of vocab to memorize for Latin. He still hadn't gotten the trip evaluation paper done yet. On top of all that, he had about six emails from Ezra asking when he'd have his next article in by. Kayden had kind of been dodging him the past few days. He skipped meals to hide in the library and thankfully, Ezra didn't bother him there.

He also hadn't seen Theo around much now that he was thinking about it. He saw him at night, though usually he came in and went to sleep pretty much straight after he got into the room. That was better for Kayden anyway, he didn't really have the time or energy to talk to Theo. It wasn't that he didn't like him, he just wasn't particularly in the mood to talk about plants or homework, and that was all they really talked about.

The redhead sighed, pressing his face into his hands in an attempt to alleviate the migraine he'd had for the past three hours. He had a feeling it wasn't going to be fixed with a Tylenol and a glass of water. He'd much prefer to be too drunk to think about it, but that was a bad idea and he knew it. He finally ran his fingers through his hair, deciding a walk might be what he needed to clear his head, so he got up and grabbed his green bomber jacket off the back of his desk chair.

The air outside was warmer than it had been all season and it made him crave the summer. He couldn't wait to go home and not have to worry about tests or essays for three months, but on the other hand, he'd have to contend with his mother. He hadn't had a full conversation with her since Thanksgiving, but he didn't know how he'd keep that up through the summer. He was still mad at her, but it just felt kind of petty at this point even if she had completely betrayed him. He didn't have to be friendly with her, and he wouldn't be, but she was his mother and it would be necessary to talk to her from time to time.

As he walked off campus, he thought about what he might do with his summer. He didn't have anything nearly as productive and ambitious as Elias. Honestly, he kind of just planned to spend most of it partying and doing stupid shit with Connor or playing video games inside. Maybe he could convince Connor to road-trip up to Maine with him to see Elias for a few days. On second thought, though, he realized how weird and stalkery that would probably be. Elias probably wouldn't want to be bothered over the summer anyway.

He'd been walking for about half an hour before he realized he had taken himself to Henry's house. He stood in front of his door, nervously fidgeting with his hands for a moment before he rang the bell. He knew he probably should have called first, but he didn't really consider that he'd be busy. What would Henry be doing on a random Wednesday in May?

A few seconds later, the blond opened the door, looking down at Kayden slightly confused. "Hey, what's up?"

"Hey, I'm...I'm not here to fuck, I promise, I just don't really have anyone to talk to. I mean, I could hang out with Grant, but he's always with Ezra and Ezra hates me now, and Elias is always busy, so I'm a bit out of friends at the moment and I then I remembered you exist so I came over, but if it's not a good time I totally understand." He spoke so quickly that his words ran together, but Henry just smiled, leaning against the doorframe as he crossed his arms.

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