Chapter 33

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a/n: Welcome back. Guess who posted 2 chapters in a week for once? I don't know how I did it, it just kinda happened. I'm not gonna question it or set a schedule based on it, I'm just gonna go with it. Anyways, I hope you guys like this chapter. 

The morning of the 15th, Kayden woke up with a pulsing headache and blindly reached around his side table, trying to shut off the screaming alarm. As he lay there in bed, squinting painfully at the ceiling, he asked himself why anyone in their right mind would have a party on a Monday night, and why he would go to it.

With a yawn, he reached down to roll his skateboard under his bed as he had to do almost every morning he woke up hungover in his dorm due to haphazardly throwing it down the night before, but to his surprise, it wasn't there. He felt around for it another minute but eventually got up to look under his bed, then he checked under his desk, beside the bed, and under Theo's desk and bed. the skateboard was nowhere.

"Shit," he muttered, running his fingers through his hair as he thought hard about where it might be. The last thing he remembered was getting on it to ride home, but the rest was gone.

"What's wrong?" Theo asked, looking at Kayden as he fixed his tie. He was already mostly dressed, his shoes tied and shirt neatly buttoned.

"Uh...nothing," Kayden said with a shrug as he got up from the floor to search around his drawers for a clean pair of pants. "I should really do my laundry soon."

"If you want to wait, I can throw it in with mine tomorrow," Theo offered.


"Yeah, it's no trouble."

"Thanks, man." Kayden smiled. He had no idea how Theo was so organized, he always seemed to have his life in check, or at least more than Kayden did. Theo always turned everything in on time, did his laundry every other Wednesday, and did everything he could to help the people around him. Kayden just didn't have the energy to do all that. He had trouble even just keeping up with his school work, but to have everything on a schedule like Theo did and do everything the same way all the time would probably be too much for him. He knew that Theo had his own problems though, it wasn't like he was breezing through life. As far as Kayden knew, he dealt with a massive amount of anxiety around tiny things and had to do a lot to manage it. He'd mentioned having OCD once and said he was going to therapy, but then never brought it up again. Kayden figured that was one of those things you don't really ask about, so he didn't bring it up either.

As they walked out of the dorm, Kayden looked around for his skateboard just about anywhere he might have drunkenly dropped it on his way to his dorm.

"What are you doing?" Theo asked, looking at him in curiosity.

"Well, okay, so the thing is, I came back last night on my skateboard because Grant and Ezra left the party early, and I was pretty hammered, so I'm not exactly sure where I left said skateboard, but I'm pretty sure if anyone finds it outside of my room, I'll be in deep shit," Kayden said as he walked into the cafeteria.

"Is there anywhere you think it might be?" Theo asked, grabbing a plate and hesitating a moment as he tried to pick between several breakfast options.

"No, I usually make sure to bring it into my room, but it wasn't there. I couldn't have left it at the party because I used it to get back to campus. There's a possibility I ditched it halfway home...but then it's probably stolen," He said, picking up a piece of toast, holding his plate out for a scoop of eggs.

"Well, maybe you stopped by Grant and Ezra's room on the way to yours or something."

"Maybe," Kayden murmured, finding Grant and Ezra sitting quietly at their usual table. "Hey, have either of you seen my skateboard?"

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