Chapter 40

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a/n: Hey! So I know it's been a hella long time since I've posted a chapter. I sincerely apologize, life has been a little bit hectic with work and school. I've had this chapter almost finished for so long it's not even funny. I finally decided recently to finish it and edit it. It's mostly just a cute little moment between Elias and Kayden. I'm not sure when the next chapter will be out, but I'm hoping soon. A seven-week course just ended so I now have Tuesdays a bit more open.

March had come and gone which meant two things: they were about a month away from finals cram season, and the poetry project was due. Kayden had spent the last three nights finishing up his poetry to put in the book and Elias had put it all together in a nice printed booklet held together by binder clips. They turned it in and he felt pretty good about it. It was the project he'd worked the hardest on all year and he'd had fun doing it. The essay was mostly just a long rant about poetry and objective and subjective means of determining quality, though Elias told him it was some of his best writing. The poems could have been ones he'd already written, but that seemed like cheating to Kayden, so he decided to write five new ones instead of taking the easy way out. It wasn't that Kayden was opposed to cheating, he just figured if he was going to put effort into the project, he should go all in and not recycle anything.

There was one small problem though. For the past few days, he'd only been focusing on the project, so when he turned it in Friday, he hadn't really done any of his homework for other classes. He almost forgot about this until later when he was in the library with Elias at their usual time.

"Did you fill out the study guide for the next History test?" The blond asked, pulling out his textbook.

Kayden paused, the realization dawning on him. "Shit, I completely forgot we have that test Monday."

"It's fine, we can get it done in the next hour. Do you have your notes?"

Kayden folded his hands on top of the desk, twiddling his thumbs. "Okay, so I may have been working on the project in the last few classes. I mean, I started taking notes, but then I couldn't stop thinking about how the project was due today, so I worked on that instead..."

Elias sighed. "You really need to learn to stay on top of things when you have other projects. I mean, what's gonna happen when finals come around and you have notes to take and then three extra assignments per class to keep up with on top of studying?"

"I'll wing it?" Kayden suggested.

"Because that worked so well last semester," Elias said sarcastically.

"I mean, I'm still here."

"Yes, but only because I had the time to spend a whole weekend helping you. I'm not going to be able to do that this time, I have a million little things to finish up before school ends. You'll have to study on your own for the most part," He said, pulling his fingers through his hair, though Kayden was more focused on the way the gold ring on Elias' middle finger looked in the lighting.

"Yeah yeah, I know, I'll figure it out," Kayden said dismissively. "I've got a month until that's even a problem."

"Yes, but I strongly suggest you start studying some of the earlier chapters now and organizing your notes so you can lessen the load later on."

"Something tells me we've had this conversation before," Kayden said, resting his cheek in his palm with his elbow propped up on the table as he looked at Elias with a mock-curious expression.

"And every time we have it I tell you the same thing-"

"So why don't you just stop telling me something I've heard a million times?" Kayden asked. "The problem is not a lack of knowledge. I don't need you to bestow upon me your ancient wisdom about flashcards and inspirational quotes and my hidden fucking potential that no one has ever seen. I've heard it and it's not helping."

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