Chapter 2

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When his mom's car pulled up to the large building, Kayden unbuckled his seatbelt, staring up at his new school. It was huge. Made out of light stone with beautifully shaped roofs over top a green field and a forest that stretched out behind it. It looked like victorian architecture and Kayden was trying to remember why he was so opposed to going there, but then he realized it was, in fact, a school guaranteed to be filled with pretentious rich kids who did nothing but drink tea and fake-laugh at jokes that weren't funny. They probably have a whole class on how to stare judgmentally. He snickered at that thought and his mom gave him a weird look.

"We should be meeting with the headmaster soon, he wanted to personally see to you. His office is..somewhere. This is a big campus, I'm not sure where we're supposed to go." His mom said with a soft laugh and he took in a breath, but just nodded, not wanting to start another argument that wasn't worth fighting. He knew he wasn't going to be able to get out of this. 

They eventually found their way to the headmaster's office and Kayden's mom knocked on the door, waiting with a smile plastered onto her glossy pink lips. 

"Come in." A voice called out and Kayden's mom quickly opened the door, walking in. A man sat at a dark wood desk. He had graying brown hair slicked back and dark eyes, his expression serious as he sat with his hands folded on top of his desk. He looked over Kayden in his black The Wrecks hoodie, ripped jeans, and vans with disapproval. "You're Greg's boy?"

"I'm not owned by Greg, no," Kayden said and the headmaster let out a brief chuckle. 

"Bit of a literalist, isn't he?" He said and Kayden's mom laughed politely, nodding. "Please, take a seat," he said and they both sat in the uncomfortable wooden chairs. "I do this with just about every new student. We only get a handful every year; most kids going here have been in Antisto for the majority of their education so it can be a bit of a difficult transition for a junior like yourself," He explained. Kayden didn't catch whatever he said next, zoning out and nodding every once in a while as he talked about school policies and the expectations for their students.

"Great, can I get my dorm number and stuff now?" He asked in the middle of one of the headmaster's sentences and the man paused, his calm demeanor breaking for just a second to narrow his eyes at the boy. Kayden just raised his eyebrows as if challengingly. 

"Kayden, you shouldn't interrupt people, it's rude." His mom said. 

"Sorry." He said without remorse and the man looked at him another second before handing him a plastic bag with a silver key that had a number on it and his student ID as well as a 'welcome' pamphlet that he didn't plan on reading. 

"It's quite alright, I'm sure he'll calm down after he settles in. Will you need help finding your room? I'm sure I can call for someone to-"

"Nope, I'll be fine," Kayden said, taking the bag and stuffing it in his hoodie pocket as he walked out. His mom stayed back to apologize for his not saying goodbye, but he didn't care, he was just focused on finding the dorm building and getting to his room. His mom ran to catch up with him and he wondered how anyone ran in heels that high.

"Kayden, you get back here," She said as she walked next to him, a scowl on her face. "That behavior was unacceptable!"

"Yeah, well you sending me to some stuck-up pretentious prep school without even asking me first is unacceptable."

She looked like she wanted to say something else but she bit her tongue as a few students passed. It was a long, quiet walk around campus to find the dorm building. They eventually did and soon also found his dorm which was up two flights of stairs. His mom stopped him at the door before he could go in and took his hand. 

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