Chapter 12

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a/n: Hey, so I know I said this would come out Wednesday, but in my defense, I did get most of it written yesterday, and then I woke up early this morning and didn't have anything else to do so I finished it and I'm getting it out bright and early (at least for the US crowd). I hope you guys are all liking this so far, I'm having fun writing it and experimenting with different ways of writing poetry too and it's been great seeing comments from so many other fans of dark academia and dead poets society. Anyways, I've gotta go so I'll see you guys later, but as always, keep yourself hydrated, take care of your responsibilities, and be kind to yourself. 

Weekends at Antisto were almost always busy and filled up with assignments that teachers piled on 'just for fun, so you don't get bored' but that were also always graded. This weekend, though, it seemed a few of the teachers had banded together to offer their students a sliver of grace as there were no tests scheduled the following Monday, just some reading for English and Anatomy, a few vocab words to look over for Latin, and a worksheet for History. Kayden's Algebra 2 teacher had decided that they probably had enough in their other classes and they were ahead of schedule anyway. 

Kayden got the reading and worksheet done Friday night so Saturday was pretty much completely free. He honestly wasn't sure what he'd do with all the time. Most of his weekend was usually spent studying and stressing with a bit of free time between to do something stupid, but now that he could finally relax, he had no idea how he wanted to spend his time. He thought maybe he could go on a walk through the forest with the group, but they did that all the time anyway. He wondered if they could all drive somewhere, like a movie theatre or maybe they could go into town or something. The school didn't really have control over where they went during the weekend as long as they were back before dark. 

Theo hadn't been in his bed when Kayden woke up, though he didn't worry too much about it, Theo woke up early so he was probably just off doing something. Though it was only 9 in the morning, Kayden decided to get up and head over to Ezra and Grant's dorm. There was no response the first time he knocked and he was just about to assume they were asleep and go find something else to do when he heard Ezra's voice from behind the door. 

"Come in, just be careful where you step." He said and so Kayden hesitantly opened the door, not sure what he was expecting, though it definitely wasn't a Monopoly board spread out on the floor and Grant and Ezra sitting on either side of it with money and pieces in various places around the board and floor. He almost laughed at the display. 

Ezra looked uncharacteristically smug from where he sat, a little pile of 500s next to him along with his other money and a few rows of properties neatly lined up. Grant on the other hand wore a disheartened expression, his money fairly scarce and with few properties left. "I should have never given you those goddamn railroads." Grant sighed softly, rubbing his face with his hands. 

"You still owe me two hundred," Ezra said with a small smile, and Grant looked over his properties with a sigh before handing him another. "Do you think I'm stupid? I wouldn't give fifty for Baltic." 

Kayden just quietly sat on the bed, deciding not to interrupt them. It was nearing the end of the game, but it was funny to see the two of them so different than they usually acted. 

"Don't I get the friendship discount or something? Ez, I've known you since we were in kindergarten, that's gotta mean something."

"You shouldn't mix business with friendship, everyone knows that," Ezra said simply and Grant gave a small, defeated smile, passing over his remaining money and the rest of his properties. 

"Played like a true businessman," Grant said softly, ruffling Ezra's hair and the brunette giggled, sorting their money away and cleaning the board up. 

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