Chapter 1

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It was a nice day near the end of July. The heat hadn't been sweltering so far, it was just warm, there was even a bit of a breeze that day, not that Kayden would really notice considering he hadn't left the house. He'd barely gotten up from his beanbag chair for anything other than another Red Bull from the fridge downstairs. He was far too busy doing important things like playing video games for 10 hours straight. It was summer, he didn't have school to worry about, and he could decide what he did with his time, no matter what qualms his mother might have with his choice activities. 

He sat crisscrossed in his chair, a half-empty can of Red Bull sitting on the floor next to him. He'd been playing the new Astrosky game for a few weeks. He finished the main story after 5 days and moved on to the online multiplayer mode, which was mostly just fighting with swords and bows while flying around, but due to the building function, some people ended up forming little villages or made cities together. 

"Kayden!" He looked up when he heard his mom's voice downstairs. 

"What is it?" He called back, not wanting to leave the game unless he had to. 

"Come down here a moment, your father and I want to talk to you!" She said and he thought about what it could be. What did they find out about? He clicked through the exit screen and shut his console off, heading downstairs to where his mom was sitting on the couch with Greg. 

Greg wasn't Kayden's father, he never would be, plain and simple. Greg was his mom's husband, and he didn't have anything against Greg, he just wasn't Kayden's dad and he wasn't going to pretend he was. As much as his mother wanted to 'leave the past in the past' and change her last name every other year, Kayden didn't want that. He didn't want a new sister or a new dad, what he wanted was for his real dad to call him back every once in a while and stop pretending like his biological son was a mistake from his past. 

"What do you need?" He asked, stuffing his hands in the pocket of his gray hoodie. His mom folded her hands, seeming to look for the right words to say. 

"Well, see, Greg and I were talking about you and what might be best for your future. It's important to me that you get the best advantage that you can when you're doing things like looking for a college and scholarships, and for that, you need the best education possible. It just so happens that Greg knows the headmaster of a very good preparatory school, it's also a boarding school, but-"

"You're sending me away?" Kayden asked quietly. 

"No, honey, of course I'm not sending you away, I just want the best for you and Antisto will give you a great education. They have a good moral basis and teach responsibility and time management-"  They're homophobic, competitive, and give too much work. Great. 

"I'm not going," Kayden said with a shrug. "I like my current school, my grades are fine, I don't need to go to some prim and proper boys school."

"It's not your decision, Kayden, you're already enrolled."

"What do you mean I'm already enrolled?" He asked, tension and panic rising in his voice.

"I signed you up a few months ago. I got your acceptance letter this morning; you'll be leaving in two weeks. I know you don't like it, but your dad and I have decided this is what's best." She said and Kayden scowled. He couldn't believe she'd done all of that without even mentioning it to him. How was he supposed to respect her if she didn't show an ounce of respect for him? He was perfectly capable of knowing what was best for him and making his own decisions. 

"He's not my dad." He said, sending a glare to Greg before he walked back up to his room. 

"Kayden, come back here, I'm not done talking about this!"

To Have Loved [BxB] Book I ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें