Chapter 13

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a/n: so guess who's finally back with another chapter? I'm sorry it took so long, but it's here. Thank you guys for being so patient with me, I've been taking some time to work on my mental health, but I got the motivation to write this last night. Anyways, I hope you guys like this and have a great day or night wherever you are.

Kayden didn't know that the stickers thing would actually work, of course, he wasn't going to erase years of bad habits with a little picture of a plant, but two weeks later he was still taking notes in all of his classes. Some of those notes were a little messy and there was occasionally some information missing, but on the whole, he took them, and every week he was rewarded with those little cartoon potted plants. At first, he hadn't really known what to do with them, but then Elias brought up that maybe he'd like a sort of calendar. He'd get a sticker on every day that he took notes for, and he'd have the added motivation of keeping a streak up. Even if the idea was childish, it was working, he had three weeks' worth of stickers on the plant-themed calendar that Elias had bought. 

Now Kayden and Elias were where they usually were on Friday afternoons, sitting together in the library at one of the tables. The blond smiled as he looked over Kayden's notes, and the redhead just felt so proud of himself seeing that, he always did. 

"Alright, here you go," Elias said as he slid over the pack of stickers and Kayden excitedly picked a few out to place on the calendar. "You've been doing good, I'm surprised it's been this easy to keep you on track." 

"Yeah're not half bad as a tutor," Kayden said, scratching his cheek with a small smile that he couldn't seem to wipe off his face. He knew his success was mostly based on the notion that he couldn't bear to see Elias disappointed in him, not after he'd built up a rapport with him. Elias expected something of him, and Kayden didn't want to let him down. It wasn't about the stickers, not really. 

"You've been doing better in history, it seems the recent unit on Greek history caught your interest, so is there anything you're having trouble with?" Elias asked, looking at him. His gaze was always so intense for some reason, Kayden didn't know if he realized it, but he'd be kind of intimidating if he wasn't so arrogant and annoying. He was tall and he looked strong, did he work out? Probably, Kayden had no idea when he found the time to though. Maybe he did push-ups in his dorm every night or something. His eyes were a silvery color, but Kayden realized now there was a slight bluish tint to them. "Kayden." 

The redhead snapped out of it, his cheeks flushing as he wracked his brain for an answer. "Oh u-uhm, my Latin test- y'know, th-the...vocab, it's coming up so we should probably study that." He said quickly, running his fingers through his hair. 

Elias chuckled softly. "Where's your head today? Did you get enough sleep last night?" He asked, pulling his Latin book out of his backpack. 

"I guess not, I mean, I got five hours, but that's usually enough, I've just been spacey lately."

"Clearly," Elias muttered, flipping through the pages. 

"Fuck off," Kayden said, hitting his shoulder. "I could do without your stupid comments."

"Yeah, I'm sure you could." The blond said with a little grin, Kayden rolled his eyes. Finally, Elias seemed to reach the page he was looking for and glanced at the boy, sighing softly. "So what is it then, is it that you're not getting enough sleep, are you stressed about the Latin test coming up, are you eating enough?" 

"I...I guess so, I mean, I am sleeping and eating just as much as usual, and the test isn't that stressful, so I don't know, I've just had to try harder to focus in my classes today and yesterday, maybe the day before too, I'm not sure." He shrugged. 

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