Chapter 23

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a/n: So I finally wrote the Christmas chapter. Surprise! Anyways, I apologize for being gone, things got a bit crazy for a while. I hope you like this little wrap-up to the first semester, how have you been liking the plot progression so far? I hope you're all doing well and taking care of yourselves. I'm not going to make a prediction as to when the next chapter is going up, I'll just say I have a plan for it so hopefully soon. 

When Monday finally came, Kayden was mentally and physically exhausted. All he'd done the last two days was sit cooped up in Elias' dorm studying, but at least he felt confident about taking the tests. He might be tired, but he wasn't scared.

He dragged himself out of bed and drowned himself in coffee before his first class. He had all the information he needed in his brain, now he just needed to stay awake long enough to get it on the paper. Fortunately, he seemed to wake up a bit more before he got into English and felt okay by the time the tests were being passed out. 

"Remember, just answer the ones you know and don't get stuck up on any particular question too long," Elias whispered to him and Kayden smiled with a little nod. 

"Thank you," He whispered back just as Mr. Adler was setting the paper on his desk. 

"You will all only have one hour to complete the exam and remember to leave yourself time for the essay questions at the end." The teacher announced, looking at the watch on his wrist. "And we"

The test was a little over fifty questions with five of those being essay questions. It was a relief to find that more than a few were True or False and multiple-choice, but Kayden was happy he'd spent so much time studying. He didn't know all of the answers and he was cutting it close with the last two essay questions being completed in ten minutes, but then it was over. One out of six classes had been completed and he felt good about his grade on the exam.

 The day went on like that from class to class, he took each test to the best of his ability and when the sixth one was finally finished, he took a breath of relief. He'd officially survived midterms. Maybe he wouldn't have the best grade in his class, but he was pretty sure he'd be scoring A's and B's for all of them. 

When school let out, he met up with Grant, Ezra, Theo, and Brooks in the cafe, a little grin on his face. He felt successful, accomplished even. Well, mostly because Elias had agreed to help, but still. Where was Elias anyway? He knew Grant and Ezra didn't like him much, but he wanted to thank him properly at some point. 

"So, what do we do now?" Kayden asked, because he hadn't really thought about what would happen after midterms had finished. He'd spent the last weeks wallowing in his own impending doom until just a couple of days ago.

"Now we celebrate," Grant said with a grin. "We're all technically on break now, so as long as we don't burn down the building, we've got free rein." 

The redhead grinned at that. "So we can have a Christmas party before we leave?" Kayden asked and Grant shrugged. 

"We can do whatever the hell we want before we leave as long as it's not too illegal." 

"Maybe just a small party though, y'know, like just our group. If we invite anyone from outside the school, Walker will pull the plug on any kind of party ever again." Ezra pointed out. 

"Yeah, friend-group parties are more fun anyway," Kayden said. 

"I have a key to the music room," Brooks said and Kayden has almost forgotten he was sitting with them he'd been so quiet.

"You do? Wait, how did you get it?" Kayden asked. 

"I'm friends with the janitor." He said simply. "He likes listening to me play piano while he works so he let me in after-hours a few times and eventually just gave me a copy of the key. Real nice guy, he wouldn't rat on us if we used the room for a few hours and kept it clean." 

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