Chapter 27

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a/n: Hey guys, so I'm back with another chapter, and I wanted to say quickly before it starts that, for anyone who hasn't already seen, I started an Instagram under the name a_cactus_friend and will be periodically posting mood boards, writing progress, song recommendations, and other things like that. This also means that, for anyone who would be interested in sharing fan art, you can tag me there as well. Anyway, shameless plug over, enjoy the chapter, and have a good weekend!  

Kayden didn't think about clubs again until four days later when a few members of the student council were walking around handing out sign-up sheets for different clubs and Kayden remembered that his mother had told him a few times over the break that he needed a few more extracurricular credits and he should start working on that now so it didn't become a bigger problem the next year. He needed to pick something that would look good on his transcripts because what was the point of joining a club otherwise? The debate team was already full, so that was out of the question. He didn't really like the idea of doing tons of research every week anyway. He ate his breakfast as he looked over the options. 

"You guys are in the Newspaper club, right?" Kayden asked, looking up from the paper at Grant. 

"Yeah, were you thinking about joining? We always need new members." Grant said with a shrug, taking a bite of his eggs. 

"Maybe, does it take a ton of time?" Kayden asked. 

"Not really. We meet on Tuesdays and Thursdays after school and put up a new paper every Sunday to sum up the last week and give updates on the coming week. There are seven people on the team currently, a few work on writing, a few on editing, but Elias does most of the editing because he's a stickler for that sort of thing, a few people on photography, and Grant does most of the design stuff. We only meet for an hour or so and it's all pretty efficient." Ezra said, waving around a piece of bacon as he talked. 

"Most of the actual work happens outside of the meetings. Photographers and writers will go along to events to get information for articles, and I get the design stuff done in my free time after I'm given the articles," Grant said.

"Do you get any extracurricular credit for it?" Kayden asked.

"Yeah, I think it's like half a credit or something like that," Ezra said. 

"Oh, sweet," Kayden said, looking over the requirements quickly. "I guess it couldn't hurt to join." He circled School Newspaper on the sign-up sheet and filled out his student ID information along with a few other things.

"Speaking of, Grant, how's the art and formatting coming along for this week's edition?" Ezra asked and Grant smiled, scratching the back of his neck. 

"It's coming along." 

"It's due by midnight tonight," Ezra said, a hint of panic in his tone, though Kayden got the feeling this wasn't an uncommon conversation for them to have.

"I know, I know. Reese didn't get his article on the new club options to me until last night and I didn't get the photos for the last golf competition back from Arlo until this morning. I'll have it done and in by tonight," 

"I hope so. I don't think I can stand to hear another one of Walker's rants about professionalism and time management." Ezra murmured, finally taking a bite of his bacon.

Even as the two bickered, they always looked like they were holding back little smiles. Kayden wondered if Grant and Ezra had a fight that they didn't want to have, they seemed to just kind of fit together and agree on everything. Kayden wondered what it was like to have a friend like that, someone that just understood you and accepted you no matter what. Maybe that wasn't Grant and Ezra though, maybe that was just a fantasy. 

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