Chapter 9

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a/n: So I'm back with 2,200 words of me calling myself out for never doing responsible student things like taking notes in classes or paying attention. I honestly would love to have an Elias in my life to force me to fix my studying habits, but alas, I will live vicariously through Kayden and in turn give everyone this, which is just the manifestation of me getting over past trauma having gone to an extremely elitist prep school for multiple years but also me trying to process my current problems and how to work them out so I can be successful in life. I hope you guys like this chapter for the organized mess that it is and I hope you have a good day or night whenever you're reading this. 

A week later, Kayden was back in the library with Elias at 5 pm, trying to focus on whatever he was saying. At the moment he was just kind of watching the blond's mouth move, he was talking about something, but Kayden wasn't entirely sure what, and every time he started to listen his thought train was onto something else a few minutes later. It'd been a long day and he was having a hard time keeping his mind where it should have been, but to be fair, he had just gotten out of his last class a couple of hours ago and wasn't prepared to have another voice droning on about a topic he had no interest in. 

"Are you even listening?" Elias asked with a raised brow and Kayden sighed quietly. 

"Kind of?"

"Kayden, this test is in three days."

"I know, and...I'm trying to listen but you're kind of boring." He said with a shrug and Elias sighed softly, running his fingers through his hair. 

"Do you want to try switching to flashcards then?" Elias asked and Kayden thought for a moment before shrugging again and the blond seemed to take this as a yes, pulling them out of his backpack and handing them to Kayden. 

Kayden looked over the three-by-five cards, all the letters written in beautiful black ink, he couldn't quite stop staring at them. He really did mean to complement Elias's handwriting, it was practically breath-taking, but what came out of his mouth was "Why do you write like a girl?" 

"I do not write like a girl, I took a course on penmanship a few years ago, it was that or study skills and I felt my skills in studying were good enough," Elias responded, less than impressed with Kayden's assessment of his handwriting.

Kayden snickered. "You took a penmanship class, my god, how elitist can this place possibly be?" 

"I think you're just jealous that your handwriting sucks," Elias said with a little smile. 

"My handwriting does not suck," Kayden said, though he wasn't all that offended by it.

"You wanna prove it?"


"Pull out your notes, show me," Elias said with a little grin and Kayden hesitated. He was less embarrassed about his handwriting than his notes which were always halfway done before the sketches in the margins ended up taking any spare space on the paper due to getting bored and zoning out in class. Still, he took out his most recent English notes and handed them to Elias.

"I told you, my handwriting is fine," Kayden said, hoping to step around the obvious problem because he was sure Elias took beautiful, in-depth notes in every class and he couldn't even keep his attention on the content of the lesson for his favorite subjects.

"How do you study with this?" Elias asked, looking over it.

"I...I don't, I usually just go off of the book." Kayden admitted. 

"Well, that's your problem. You know you can always ask the teacher to keep things on the board longer if you're having trouble keeping up with writing things down."

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